Collaboration 2023.08.31 Launch of new Danish-Swedish research center on European studies The research centre aims to explore the last centuries’ political, cultural, and intellectual transformation of Europe as well Europe’s relations with other regions in the world. CEMES will actively coordinate and…
GENDER BIAS 2023.08.25 Are male students more talented? In the sciences, talented students are perceived as those who ask quirky questions and are confident and playful. But is the deck stacked in such a way that those who are already privileged win? Men are the ones who mos…
sustainability 2023.08.04 Hartshorn salt and “baking” solves a serious environmental problem Polyester is the second most used textile in the world and an environmental menace, especially because most of it never gets recycled. The fabric, a blend of plastic and cotton, has been difficult for the industry to…
New vice-dean 2023.06.22 Universities must stand out as unique physical meeting places Education will be disrupted over the next ten years, placing great demands on university degree programmes, says Professor Andreas de Neergaard, who, from 1 September 2023, is the new Associate Dean for Education at…
Names 2023.06.22 New vice-dean at University of Copenhagen SCIENCE Professor Jesper Wengel is a high-profile researcher, inventor and business owner. From 1 September 2023, he will also be the new Vice-Dean for Innovation and External Relations at SCIENCE – the University of…
climate 2023.06.16 Gases from bacteria and plankton affect the climate – new research center seeks to calculate by how much We need to find out how much gasses plants, soil, fungi and bacteria emit into the atmosphere. The gases they release influence the planet’s climate, and we know too little about them. On 19 June 2023, possibly the firs…
Innovation 2023.05.16 UCPH launches first strategy for innovation University of Copenhagen is one of Europe's leading universities when it comes to research. Now the university wants to see more of its good ideas developed and implemented in practice for the greater benefit of society…
quantum math 2023.05.11 Leading mathematician wants to solve the riddle of a million quantum particles One of Europe’s leading mathematicians - Professor Søren Fournais of the University of Copenhagen – is dedicating the next five years to understanding a mysterious quantum phenomenon through extremely complex equations.…
Dissemination Award 2023.05.09 Spaghetti-armed egghead strives to move people with facts Hans Henrik Bruun is an especially active voice of reason in public discourse about the present and future of Danish nature. Whenever engaging, he often greets strong emotions with facts. This year's recipient of…
Health 2023.04.14 The University of Copenhagen invests in the development of medicines from health-promoting gut bacteria The University of Copenhagen is the first Danish university to invest in a company based on its own research in a unique collaboration with a venture fund. In April 2023, the spinout GutCRINE ApS received initial fundin…
Food system 2023.02.03 Denmark spearheading transformation of EU food system to achieve climate goals The University of Copenhagen is leading a comprehensive new EU project, CLEVERFOOD, that will facilitate a society-wide mobilisation of European citizens to transform the European food system that benefits climate goals…
Proteins 2023.02.02 Major research project studies what it looks like when HIV and coronavirus proteins bind to medications The way in which molecules interact forms the basis of life and treating illness. But what does it look like when a viral protein meets and binds to molecules like those found in medications? A new research project has…
The Sonning Prize 2023.01.18 Conceptual performance artist is awarded the Sonning Prize Body and gaze are the focal points of the Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović, who is also known as ‘the godmother of performance art’. She is known for using herself and her body and for actively involving the…
Green research 2023.01.03 Sustainable labs are climate-friendly and save money More than 1,200 researchers and laboratory technicians are involved in a new programme that has led to more sustainable laboratories at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). It benefits the climate and creates green…
ERC SYNERGY 2022.10.25 World-class research into Greenland's oldest ice and the Universe's densest stars win very large EU grants When was Greenland actually green? And how does the Universe make gold, platinum and uranium? Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have just received 11.4 million euro to answer these big questions. The…
Nobel Prize 2022.10.06 University of Copenhagen professor wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry Professor Morten Meldal, of the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Chemistry, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his groundbreaking work with what is known as click chemistry – when a chemical…
award 2022.09.06 Teacher of the Year: A living legend, whether in glitter or gladiator garb He is a living legend in his department – known to occasionally sport a gladiator costume or sequin jacket and electric guitar. Not a speck of dust has settled on this epic lecturer after 38 years of teaching. To the…
Applicants 2022 2022.07.07 Applicants 2022: Slight decline but UCPH remains most popular As the rest of the sector, the University of Copenhagen is seeing a decline in applicants in relation to the years with corona, 2020 and 2021. However, some degree programmes have experienced an increase.
Quantum physics 2022.06.23 Denmark's first quantum information science programme to open soon With quantum technologies blossoming globally, the demand for quantum experts is already high across several sectors. To meet this demand, the University of Copenhagen will soon open Denmark's first quantum science…
New Prorector 2022.05.19 New prorector: "Measure me by how many who turn up in a UCPH T-shirt" Associate dean at the Faculty of Law Kristian Cedervall Lauta will assume the role as Prorector for Education at the University of Copenhagen, and he has a dream.
SCIENCE DISSEMINATION AWARD 2022 2022.03.31 Professor inspired by housewives and schoolchildren University of Copenhagen professor Dennis Sandris Nielsen has been awarded SCIENCE’s Dissemination Award 2022 for his willingness and ability to communicate research about the broader societal perspectives of bacteria,…
education 2022.02.17 How to choose the right programme of study Are you interested in pursuing an education in the sciences, or in the humanities? Do you feel like commuting to the university every morning, and do you prefer group work or individual assignments? Here, UCPH researche…
Mathematics 2022.01.24 Researchers will enlighten us about insurance and pensions With DKK 45 million (€6M) over the next 12 years, the University of Copenhagen has landed a historically large agreement for additional research and educational programming in the insurance and pension field that will…
Collaboration 2022.01.20 UCPH establishes investment company to boost entrepreneurship activities The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) has established a limited company with the main aim of investing in the University’s own spin-out companies. It is the first time that a Danish university establishes an investment…
Education 2021.11.19 Schools managed to prevent increased learning gaps during the corona crisis School closures during the corona crisis had little impact on the reading proficiency of Danish pupils, even when you factor social background into the equation, new analyses conclude.