The good life 2021.11.12 Living with chronic disease: Three questions that still need answering We still lack knowledge on how best to help patients with chronic diseases. Ayo Wahlberg, who just completed a large-scale study on the everyday lives of people living with chronic disease, calls for new initiatives.
Inequality 2021.10.28 Childhood adversity results in increased hospitalisation Marginalised children and youths are admitted to hospital far more often than other children and youths are, new research from the University of Copenhagen reveals.
Covid-19 2021.10.07 Vaccine ‘pocket money’ is controversial - but it works Can a few hundred kroner motivate people to be vaccinated? Yes, to a certain extent, shows a research project anchored in the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality, University of Copenhagen.
Biology 2021.09.09 Fruit fly metabolism could pave the way for new obesity and diabetes drugs The inner workings of fruit flies are more similar to those of humans than one might think. Now, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered a hormone in these flies that can help us better understand…
PROTEINS AND AI 2021.08.31 Using artificial intelligence to fingerprint suspicious proteins An artificial intelligence tool created by researchers at the University of Copenhagen can quickly and accurately identify suspicious or particularly 'talented' proteins in our bodies based upon their movements alone.…
Doping 2021.07.23 Dried blood can detect doping: Now approved, the method may be tested at the Tokyo Olympics In collaboration with Anti-Doping Denmark and the Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory, University of Copenhagen researchers have developed a method that, using blood droplets, can easily and effectively detect athletes…
Doping 2021.07.23 From cocaine to EPO to steroids: wide differences among doping substances used by cheaters Doping substances are many and have evolved from the rawest stimulants and narcotics used in the 1960s, to the more refined substances that we are familiar with today, such as EPO and steroids. But, do you know which…
Limits 2021.07.22 Endurance sport can push the body to its limits For sporting events such as the Olympic Games, top athletes can push their bodies a lot. In fact, in the case of endurance sport, the body undergoes medical conditions normally associated with health injury, says UCPH…
Performance 2021.07.22 Is high performance sport even healthy: What does the research tell us? The extreme athletic feats that we see in the Olympic Games are truly impressive. However, based on current research, it is difficult to find an unequivocal answer to exactly how healthy high performance sport is, says…
Kost og Motion 2021.07.09 In principal, some Olympians can indulge in junk food for breakfast and still perform OL-buffeten bugner hver dag af lækkerier, men hvorvidt atleterne kan spise løs eller nøje må udvælge deres kost, afhænger fuldstændigt af, hvilken sportsgren, de konkurrerer i. Læs med, når KU-forsker Lars Nybo giver di…
sustainable crops 2021.07.09 Danish researchers find a way to make faba beans safe for all to eat Consuming large amounts of faba beans can be dangerous for about 400 million people due to a compound called vicine, which accumulates in the beans. This limits their potential as a widespread, sustainable source of…
Blind spot 2021.07.07 Covid-19 clinical trials ignore gender differences Although the coronavirus affects men and women differently, most clinical trials do not mention sex/gender, a new analysis of 4,420 studies concludes. Ultimately, it can influence the treatment negatively.
TASTE AND SMELL 2021.07.01 The sense of smell in older adults declines when it comes to meat, but not vanilla Contrary to what science once suggested, older people with a declining sense of smell do not have comprehensively dampened olfactory ability for odors in general – it simply depends upon the type of odor. Researchers at…
Video report 2021.06.17 Researchers test virtual reality as a tool for promoting vaccination 234 random passersby got the opportunity to try a new virtual reality game, when researchers from the University of Copenhagen visited Fælledparken to test the efficiency of VR technology within health information.
Cancer 2021.05.04 Using personalized medicine to avoid resistance to leukemia treatment T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia is an aggressive cancer type that mostly affects children. The standard treatment is chemotherapy, but about one in four patients do not respond or develop resistance to this. Now,…
Coronavirus 2021.04.22 Brazilian coronavirus variant likely to be more transmissible and able to evade immunity A new study with the University of Copenhagen represented indicates that the coronavirus variant called P.1, which originated in Brazil, could pose a bigger threat than previously assumed.
PSYCHOLOGY 2021.04.07 Our personality traits explain how we perceive and react to COVID-19 Both Danes and Germans with prosocial personality traits are more likely to follow health recommendations, while people with traits that make them more susceptible to negative emotions are more likely to see COVID-19 as…
Health 2021.03.25 We need to rethink the healthcare sector The conference on chronic conditions at the UCPH revealed a growing interest in the everyday lives of chronic patients. The job is now to make improved quality of life a matter of priority, says Ayo Wahlberg, one of the…
Coronavirus 2021.03.08 Covid-19 vaccine candidate based on UCPH-research ready for testing on humans A COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed at the University of Copenhagen has just been approved for phase 1 testing on humans. The research results are promising so far.
PLANT BIOLOGY 2021.03.04 Researchers discover how to control zinc content in plants: Could help the world’s malnourished Over 2 billion people worldwide are malnourished due to zinc deficiency. Led by the University of Copenhagen, an international team of researchers has discovered how plants sense zinc and use this knowledge to enhance…