Food system 2023.02.03 Denmark spearheading transformation of EU food system to achieve climate goals The University of Copenhagen is leading a comprehensive new EU project, CLEVERFOOD, that will facilitate a society-wide mobilisation of European citizens to transform the European food system that benefits climate goals…
Proteins 2023.02.02 Major research project studies what it looks like when HIV and coronavirus proteins bind to medications The way in which molecules interact forms the basis of life and treating illness. But what does it look like when a viral protein meets and binds to molecules like those found in medications? A new research project has…
Food 2023.01.30 Coffee with milk may have an anti-inflammatory effect Can something as simple as a cup of coffee with milk have an anti-inflammatory effect in humans? Apparently so, according to a new study from the University of Copenhagen. A combination of proteins and antioxidants…
Computer science 2023.01.30 Nuggets mined from thousands of tweets can persuade us to eat more climate-friendly Experience and opinion trump fact in Twitter conversations about sustainable food. In a new study, University of Copenhagen researchers demonstrate that natural language algorithms make it possible to identify people's…
ECONOMY 2023.01.27 Green breakthrough: New models calculate our impact on nature and climate Economists from the University of Copenhagen have developed green models to calculate environmental and climate effects in Denmark's entire economy.
Quantum physics 2023.01.26 Danish quantum physicists make nanoscopic advance of colossal significance In a new breakthrough, researchers at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Ruhr University Bochum, have solved a problem that has caused quantum researchers headaches for years. The researchers can now…
Repression 2023.01.25 Modern arms technologies help autocratic rulers stay in power Autocrats and dictators quickly acquire new arms technologies from abroad and often use them against their own citizens. Now a study shows that the spread of military technologies inhibits democratic reform.
SEXUALITY 2023.01.23 Psychologist: Sexuality is founded in childhood Katrine Zeuthen, psychoanalyst and Associate Professor in clinical child psychology, talks about the nature and transformation of sexuality during our upbringing.
Air pollution 2023.01.20 New measurements show high air pollution in the Copenhagen metro The concentration of harmful particles in the air is 10 to 20 times higher in the metro than on the most polluted stretch of road in Copenhagen, new measurements made by the University of Copenhagen show. More…
Food 2023.01.18 What the heck are pulses? European unawareness stands in the way of this “green” superfood European consumption of pulses doesn’t stack up against national dietary recommendations – with Denmark in last place. This is the finding of a new EU-funded study by the University of Copenhagen as part of the…
The Sonning Prize 2023.01.18 Conceptual performance artist is awarded the Sonning Prize Body and gaze are the focal points of the Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović, who is also known as ‘the godmother of performance art’. She is known for using herself and her body and for actively involving the…
AMERICAN POLITICS 2023.01.11 Russia’s disinformation campaign in the US did not influence political attitudes or voting behavior The Russian online disinformation effort during the 2016 US presidential election influenced neither attitudes nor voter behavior, new research shows.
Green research 2023.01.03 Sustainable labs are climate-friendly and save money More than 1,200 researchers and laboratory technicians are involved in a new programme that has led to more sustainable laboratories at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). It benefits the climate and creates green…
Health 2022.12.25 Some guts are better than others at harvesting energy New research from the University of Copenhagen suggests that a portion of the Danish population has a composition of gut microbes that, on average, extracts more energy from food than do the microbes in the guts of thei…
green christmas 2022.12.21 Researcher: The way to make plant-based foods taste like Christmas How do you combine plant-based foods to bring out the flavours of Christmas? A food engineer and ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen has experimented in Gastro Science Lab. Boosting of umami taste is key.
Behavioral Biology 2022.12.20 Human empathy makes us better at understanding animal sounds Those who do well on human empathy tests are also measurably better at decoding the emotional sounds of animals, according to a new study from the University of Copenhagen. Other aspects, such as age and work related to…
colors 2022.12.15 Most colors are eco criminals: Here’s how to make purple greener The colors of our clothes, cosmetics, furniture and all sorts of things around us are nearly all based on crude oil, making them far from environmentally innocent. UCPH researchers have teamed up with Danish company…
Trees 2022.12.15 Santa’s finally got a Christmas tree farm in Greenland Many, especially Danes, consider Greenland the home of Father Christmas. However for the most part, Greenland is Arctic tundra devoid of trees over knee height. So for Christmas, Greenlanders make do with imported trees…
Partnership 2022.12.15 When is our institutional strategic partnership a success? To address the lack of quality assurance schemes designed for international strategic partnerships and to contribute to building better partnerships, UCPH joined a consortium of universities led by the University of…
Strategic Partnerships 2022.12.15 Without close cooperation in Europe, UCPH will end up on the periphery On 27 October 2022, UCPH took over the presidency of the 4EU+ University Alliance. So what? you might think. Well, let me tell you: Working together is more important to you, UCPH and Denmark than ever before.
BLOG 2022.12.15 The value of strong international collaboration International collaboration is at the heart of what I work with every day. It comes in many shapes and forms through projects, bilateral relations and alliances. For me, the students and their education are my centre of…
STEM CELLS 2022.12.12 Scientists finds stem cell network in ancient fish An ancient fish called a ‘living fossil’ has helped researchers understand the basics of stem cells. This will further stem cell research and be a step in the direction of creating artificial organs
Medicine 2022.12.08 Scientists remove yeast cell's sex drive and turn it into a cannabis tracker Researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Faculty of Science have modified a yeast cell to sense the active substances in cannabis and get it to turn red when it does. The result paves the way for more actors to…
Food culture 2022.12.08 The wealthier we become, the fewer homemade meals we eat The wealthier we are, the less time we spend cooking and washing up. This is demonstrated by a global megatrend, now investigated by a researcher at the University of Copenhagen. The trend applies to Danes as well, who…
Sustainable Food 2022.12.01 Learning how to grow super mushrooms, with termites as teachers Termites have cultivated and eaten them for 30 million years. This incredible mushroom has more protein than chicken, soy and corn, but has yet to be grown by humans. By imitating termites, scientists at the University…
Our Globe 2022.11.28 Earth’s many new lakes The number of lakes on our planet has increased substantially in recent decades, according to a unique global survey of 3.4 million lakes that the University of Copenhagen has taken part in. There has been a particular…
FOOD HABITS 2022.11.25 Almost every other Dane is trying to cut back on meat New sociological research shows that almost half of the Danish population is trying to reduce their meat consumption.
THE CLIMATE RESEARCHERS 2022.11.24 Psychology professor: Experiences in Virtual Reality can motivate us to climate action Most people see the need for a green transition, but our actions do not always follow suit, says professor in psychology Guido Makransky.
The brain 2022.11.23 Major discovery about mammalian brains surprises researchers In a new breakthrough to understand more about the mammalian brain, University of Copenhagen researchers have made an incredible discovery. Namely, a vital enzyme that enables brain signals is switching on and off at…
Chemistry 2022.11.17 Chemists to capture atmospheric methane with sugar Can a carbohydrate actually suck methane, a greenhouse gas, directly out of the air? Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Science are in the process of finding out. Methane gas is 86 times more poten…