The Ocean 2022.09.28 The greatest increase in marine biodiversity can help us understand and control ocean deoxygenation Deoxygenation can make large areas of the ocean uninhabitable. New study offers knowledge of how oxygen levels affect marine life – this may help us preserve marine ecosystems. “In the past 50 years, we have already los…
Vaccine 2022.09.29 Pregnant women and their unborn babies can die of malaria. A vaccine may be on the way Malaria is a major health challenge especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Pregnant women and their unborn babies in particular are affected by the parasite. But now a team of researchers has received DKK 75 million in…
Misinformation 2022.10.05 Healthy democracies are threatened by false information, but not everyone is keen on a cure Our democracy relies upon the choices of an informed electorate. But today, it is threatened by mis- and disinformation. More and better fact-checking is needed according to the University of Copenhagen’s Isabelle…
Nobel Prize 2022.10.06 University of Copenhagen professor wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry Professor Morten Meldal, of the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Chemistry, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his groundbreaking work with what is known as click chemistry – when a chemical…
SPORTS POLITICS 2022.10.14 Dictatorships use sporting events as a smokescreen for political repression A new study shows a systematic connection between major sporting events in autocracies and the persecution of political opponents.
Clima 2022.10.18 Vibrating trucks searched for Denmark's future underground CO2 storage sites Seismic studies of the deep soil layers in northwest Zealand will help researchers locate soil formations suitable for storing captured CO2 in the near future. The University of Copenhagen is supplying academic expertis…
Coastal protection 2022.10.25 Disappearing coastlines: A smartphone and selfie stick can let us know by how much New mobile phone technology makes it possible to better monitor Danish coastlines, which recede up to four meters a year in some places. The method, which has been tested by the University of Copenhagen, also lets…
ERC SYNERGY 2022.10.25 World-class research into Greenland's oldest ice and the Universe's densest stars win very large EU grants When was Greenland actually green? And how does the Universe make gold, platinum and uranium? Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have just received 11.4 million euro to answer these big questions. The…
POLITICAL VIOLENCE 2022.10.25 Republican Party lost core supporters after the attack on Capitol Danish research shows that the attack on the US Congress building in January 2021 caused even loyal party members to distance themselves from their party.
FOOD 2022.10.28 Is the future of whipped cream fat-free and made of bacteria and beer waste? Bacteria-based whipped cream could be the future. Food researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed a fat-free prototype of the much-beloved substance built using bacteria instead of milk fat – in both…
CRISPR 2022.10.28 Breakthrough in CRISPR research may lead to more effective and safer gene editing CRISPR has great potential within disease control due to its ability to modify our DNA. New research can prevent situations where CRISPR edits the wrong genes.
2022 Elections 2022.10.28 Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds.…
agriculture 2022.11.02 Now we know how plants steer clear of salt To avoid salt in soil, plants can change their root direction and grow away from saline areas. University of Copenhagen researchers helped find out what makes this possible. The discovery changes our understanding of ho…
COMPETITION 2022.11.03 Economist wants to end the alphabet's power over pharmaceuticals When your doctor prescribes medicine for you, the name of the pharmaceutical company plays a critical role, new study from the Department of Economic shows.
Digital donations 2022.11.08 "I'll pay later!" – People promise the stars and moon to charities, but donations remain unsent More than half of charitable giving via payment apps is "forgotten" as soon as a fundraiser leaves according to a new University of Copenhagen study. On the other hand, digital solutions make it easier to donate more…
Climate 2022.11.16 Arctic vegetation has a major impact on warming An international team of research scientists, University of Copenhagen researchers among them, has documented the central role of vegetation for Arctic warming for the first time. The new results allow us to make more…
Chemistry 2022.11.17 Chemists to capture atmospheric methane with sugar Can a carbohydrate actually suck methane, a greenhouse gas, directly out of the air? Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Science are in the process of finding out. Methane gas is 86 times more poten…
The brain 2022.11.23 Major discovery about mammalian brains surprises researchers In a new breakthrough to understand more about the mammalian brain, University of Copenhagen researchers have made an incredible discovery. Namely, a vital enzyme that enables brain signals is switching on and off at…
THE CLIMATE RESEARCHERS 2022.11.24 Psychology professor: Experiences in Virtual Reality can motivate us to climate action Most people see the need for a green transition, but our actions do not always follow suit, says professor in psychology Guido Makransky.
FOOD HABITS 2022.11.25 Almost every other Dane is trying to cut back on meat New sociological research shows that almost half of the Danish population is trying to reduce their meat consumption.
Psychiatry 2022.11.25 New study maps the development of the 20 most common psychiatric disorders Nearly half of all psychiatric patients get a different diagnose within 10 years. New figures for diagnoses will help predict the course of psychiatric illnesses.
Our Globe 2022.11.28 Earth’s many new lakes The number of lakes on our planet has increased substantially in recent decades, according to a unique global survey of 3.4 million lakes that the University of Copenhagen has taken part in. There has been a particular…
Sustainable Food 2022.12.01 Learning how to grow super mushrooms, with termites as teachers Termites have cultivated and eaten them for 30 million years. This incredible mushroom has more protein than chicken, soy and corn, but has yet to be grown by humans. By imitating termites, scientists at the University…
Food culture 2022.12.08 The wealthier we become, the fewer homemade meals we eat The wealthier we are, the less time we spend cooking and washing up. This is demonstrated by a global megatrend, now investigated by a researcher at the University of Copenhagen. The trend applies to Danes as well, who…
Medicine 2022.12.08 Scientists remove yeast cell's sex drive and turn it into a cannabis tracker Researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Faculty of Science have modified a yeast cell to sense the active substances in cannabis and get it to turn red when it does. The result paves the way for more actors to…
STEM CELLS 2022.12.12 Scientists finds stem cell network in ancient fish An ancient fish called a ‘living fossil’ has helped researchers understand the basics of stem cells. This will further stem cell research and be a step in the direction of creating artificial organs
Trees 2022.12.15 Santa’s finally got a Christmas tree farm in Greenland Many, especially Danes, consider Greenland the home of Father Christmas. However for the most part, Greenland is Arctic tundra devoid of trees over knee height. So for Christmas, Greenlanders make do with imported trees…
colors 2022.12.15 Most colors are eco criminals: Here’s how to make purple greener The colors of our clothes, cosmetics, furniture and all sorts of things around us are nearly all based on crude oil, making them far from environmentally innocent. UCPH researchers have teamed up with Danish company…
Behavioral Biology 2022.12.20 Human empathy makes us better at understanding animal sounds Those who do well on human empathy tests are also measurably better at decoding the emotional sounds of animals, according to a new study from the University of Copenhagen. Other aspects, such as age and work related to…
green christmas 2022.12.21 Researcher: The way to make plant-based foods taste like Christmas How do you combine plant-based foods to bring out the flavours of Christmas? A food engineer and ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen has experimented in Gastro Science Lab. Boosting of umami taste is key.