Arbejdsmarked 2023.10.24 Strong AI skills significantly raise salaries Nyt studie kortlægger værdien af 962 konkrete færdigheder og viser, at særligt viden om kunstig intelligens (AI) i dag står i høj kurs. I gennemsnit øger AI-kompetencer aflønningen med 21 procent.
FOOD 2023.10.19 Pinpointing the emergence of muddy flavors in your fish Many people have experienced a muddy off-flavor in farmed fish. While the aquaculture industry has known about the problem for 20 years, it continues to impact the consumption of otherwise healthy and potentially…
AI 2023.10.13 The increasing carbon footprint of AI is a challenge. Here is what we can do about it Smart AI solutions have plenty of advantages, but they do not come free of cost for the environment. Luckily, t is possible to adjust the resource consumption of AI methods and make them more climate-friendly.
JOB INJURY 2023.09.27 Higher education boosts earnings and mental well-being after job injuries Society gains financially by retraining people who have been injured in accidents. This is the conclusion of economists from Copenhagen and Chicago in a new study.
Krigstraumer 2023.09.08 Ukrainian refugees in Denmark struggle with symptoms of post-traumatic stress Den første brede undersøgelse af ukrainske flygtninges liv i Danmark viser, at næsten hver tredje viser tegn på posttraumatisk stress, PTSD. Men samtidig er der bred tillid til det danske samfund.
PARENTAL LEAVE 2023.09.07 Shorter parental leave can weaken children's well-being and development A new study from Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality at the University of Copenhagen shows that Danish children’s well-being is improved when their parents take longer parental leave.
GENDER BIAS 2023.08.25 Are male students more talented? In the sciences, talented students are perceived as those who ask quirky questions and are confident and playful. But is the deck stacked in such a way that those who are already privileged win? Men are the ones who mos…
mindfulness 2023.08.17 Philosopher: Mindfulness rests on dubious philosophical foundations Mindfulness is one of the most widespread forms of therapy for people suffering from stress, and many report that they benefit greatly from it. However, the philosophical assumptions on which mindfulness is based are…
Intervention 2023.08.10 Puff bars: New project will take the steam out of illegal online selling With funding from TrygFonden, sociologists will map the illegal sale of disposable e-cigarettes, the so-called puff bars, and develop new interventions targeting the illicit online market.
sustainability 2023.08.04 Hartshorn salt and “baking” solves a serious environmental problem Polyester is the second most used textile in the world and an environmental menace, especially because most of it never gets recycled. The fabric, a blend of plastic and cotton, has been difficult for the industry to…
COGNITION 2023.07.03 Infants are not egocentric: Trust other people's attention more than their own Babies rely on other people to look after them. New research from the Department of Psychology shows that eight-month-old infants also rely more on other people’s attention than on their own observations.
Integration 2023.06.27 Paradox: Well-integrated immigrants report more discrimination Immigrants and their descendants are more likely to report experiences of discrimination if they are well-educated and socially well-integrated. A new international meta-study confirms the so-called integration paradox.
Names 2023.06.22 New vice-dean at University of Copenhagen SCIENCE Professor Jesper Wengel is a high-profile researcher, inventor and business owner. From 1 September 2023, he will also be the new Vice-Dean for Innovation and External Relations at SCIENCE – the University of…
pesticides 2023.06.08 Unsustainable coffee production is making more and more people sick Intensive pesticide use on coffee farms around the world is leading to progressively more reports of poor human and animal health. Coffee production needs to return to its roots and rediscover sustainability, according…
Climate 2023.05.25 Philosophers agree with economists on climate action - but stress ethical considerations A new study shows that philosophers with expertise on social discounting and intergenerational distribution want to put more emphasis on the conditions of future generations in climate economic calculations.
Food science 2023.05.10 Danish innovation to convert nutrients and CO2 from land-based shrimp and fish farming into high value seaweed Instead of polluting the sea and contributing to global warming, nutrients and CO2 from land-based shrimp and fish farming will be used to produce sea lettuce – a green protein and valuable high-fiber seaweed species –…
plant proteins 2023.05.08 Researchers close to unleashing rapeseed’s protein power for human consumption Half of plant proteins in the EU come from rapeseed plants. Until now, the plant has only been used for oil and animal feed, as it is both bitter and unsafe for human consumption. In a new study published in Nature,…
decolonisation 2023.05.04 Britishness has been on the decline since the colonies began to leave the Empire When a number of British colonies demanded independence after World War 2, they kick-started the decolonisation process, which has since emptied the concept of 'Britishness' of meaning. Even Great Britain is falling…
Religion 2023.04.17 Religion blocks freedom and democracy across the globe A new major study documents that religiously motivated legislation has taken place in all types of societies and religions – to the detriment of democratic rights.
retirement 2023.03.30 Stereotypes about senior employees lead to premature retirements Senior employees often feel insecure about their position in the workplace because they fear that colleagues see them as worn-out and unproductive, which are common stereotypes about older employees. This leads to…