News about Work life
Viser 1 til 24 af 64 dokumenter.

Grandmothers experience a significant income drop when the first grandchild arrives

AI creates new winners and losers in the labour market

Hearing loss: Social isolation is often the most serious handicap

Economist wants to shed light on corporate waste

Workers with few hours – who secures their social rights?

The Strategic Choice of a Trade Union during the 2019 GM–UAW Strike and Member Satisfaction

Open positions!

Get advice and guidance from the two new PhD counsellors

The trade union representatives and collaboration over three decades

Workers, power and society - Power resource theory in contemporary capitalism

Expert group proposes major reform of employment programmes

Following in parents' educational footsteps reaps financial rewards

Work automation is being put under the microscope

Driving the EU working conditions directive: social partner reactivity and the limits to commission entrepreneurship

Helene Willadsen will present at 2nd International Conference on the Economics of Working Environment

Arrangers and orchestrators: the diverging role of the state in Danish and German vocational education and training

Research on the Danish labour market can continue with new five-year grant

Between coping and resistance: Migrant networks and alternative forms of collectivism

N. Meltem Daysal and co-author's new working paper featured on the NBER website.

Hearing loss: New film shows ways to a good school and working life

Sociological research plays key role in conflict management campaign

Early Career Researcher Network