News about Wild animals
Viser 1 til 24 af 26 dokumenter.

Avian Influenza Epidemiology group at UCPH hosted an online seminar, “Nordfugl 2024”

The elephant in the room

Spotted apex predator being pressured by spotted pack hunters – and it's our fault

Visit to ANSES, Ploufragan

Annual AIV field trip went to Amager Fælled

A new family tree revises our understanding of bird evolution

Mediterranean marine worm has developed eyes “as big as millstones"

PhD-student wins poster price at the SVEPM 2024 Conference

Avian Influenza Group participated in the SVEPM 2024 Conference

Gene flow in giraffes and what it means for their conservation

Ethicists’ commentary on current considerations when advising on destroying honeybee colonies

The genomic secrets to how the muskox mastered living on the edge

Disguised as tree bark and another species: Newly discovered gecko is a master of disguise

Wildlife ethics: The Ethics of Wildlife Management and Conservation

Number cruncher calculates whether whales are acting weirdly

Number cruncher calculates whether whales are acting weirdly

New tracking device to keep better tabs on wolves

Spaghetti-armed egghead strives to move people with facts

Spaghetti-armed egghead strives to move people with facts

Ethicists’ commentary on hierarchies of animal “value”

Danish researchers discover birds with neurotoxin-laden feathers

Opportunities and Challenges in Applying the 3Rs to Zoos and Aquariums