News about Names
Viser 1 til 24 af 27 dokumenter.

Ilse Schutz Memorial Prize

Keynote by Mette Bengtsson at NordJourn

Nina Rønsted to direct the story of our natural history

Thomas Elbenhardt appointed as Professor

Jane Fejfer modtager Dronning Margrethes Romerske Pris 2024

Sara Green receives the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters’ Silver Medal

Kris Harper honored in Washington: Appointed as AAAS Fellow

Thomas Olander elected vice president of the Society for Indo-European Studies

New PhD in the HPS section: Lukas Deviletti Skov

Daan Kenis will be visiting PhD student at IND

NIVI welcomes Head of the Project Management Office

Bo Jellesmark Thorsen to continue as head of department

New head of the Department of Plant and Environmental Science

Crown Princess Mary Center changes name

22-year-old talent is now ‘researcher Tetris’ world champion

New Head of Department for the mathematicians

New vice-dean at University of Copenhagen SCIENCE

Universities must stand out as unique physical meeting places

Engaging mindfulness

Professor Jørgen Wojtaszewski receives the Novo Nordisk Foundation's Distinguished Investigator Grant

Opening of the Center for Gene Expression

Deniz Sarikaya guest scholar in the HPS section from January to May 2023