News about Learning
Viser 1 til 24 af 61 dokumenter.

The Body’s Bodyguards - an illustrative narrative about the immune system

The Body’s Bodyguards - an illustrative narrative about the immune system

Half of all students worry about plagiarism detection software

Electrical stimulation of the nervous system can improve motor learning

Debunked: Children aren’t quicker at picking up new motor skills than adults

Equipping researchers of today with communication tools to reach beyond academia

New research: Danish children encounter four typical family learning environments

Physical exercise boosts motor learning – and remembering what one has learned

Physical exercise boosts motor learning – and remembering what one has learned

AI and the University: Research grant from the Carlsberg Foundation

New Assistant Professor: Evolution is plagued by misconceptions

Professor: Working with Big Bang and ecosystems should make youth tremble

Children’s spelling skills improve when teaching integrates movement

Foundations Of Health Data Science

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Sundhedsprofessioner i forandring? Konfliktdynamikker i forebyggelsesarbejde på danske hospitaler

Methods of Theorizing: A Call for Pluralism

New Ph.D.: Plugging numbers into a formula isn't physics

The Current State of Social Theory

New Podcast: Language Use at the University of Copenhagen

Scientific language cannot be tested solely with pen and paper

Sommerskolen blev en succes med inspiration og ny viden