New research: Danish children encounter four typical family learning environments Parental values and family activities have a strong influence on children's learning. Based on data from 44 Danish families, researchers have identified four types of family learning environments.
Physical exercise boosts motor learning – and remembering what one has learned Violinists, surgeons and gamers can benefit from physical exercise both before and after practicing their new skills. The same holds true for anyone seeking to improve their fine motor skills. This is demonstrated by ne…
Physical exercise boosts motor learning – and remembering what one has learned Violinists, surgeons and gamers can benefit from physical exercise both before and after practicing their new skills. The same holds true for anyone seeking to improve their fine motor skills. This is demonstrated by ne…
AI and the University: Research grant from the Carlsberg Foundation The Carlsberg Foundation has decided to fund Professor Janus Mortensen’s project "AI and the University – Towards a sociolinguistics of literacy and voice in the age of generative language technology" (AI-UNI) with a…
New Assistant Professor: Evolution is plagued by misconceptions The broad understanding of evolution is characterized by particularly persistent and deeply ingrained misconceptions. The process of evolution goes against our inherent biases, says Assistant Professor Daniela Fiedler.
Professor: Working with Big Bang and ecosystems should make youth tremble Science has an entirely overlooked educational capacity – to help young people forming their identity. Therefore, science deserves more than the ancillary role that it plays today. Middle and high school teachers should…
Children’s spelling skills improve when teaching integrates movement A new study from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports shows that children who use their bodies to 'shape' letter-sounds improve their spelling skills more than those who receive…
Foundations Of Health Data Science Getting familiar with Data Science can feel like a confusing and overwhelming task for those without computational background. This poses a barrier especially to more technical Data Science courses since there is a dual…
Sundhedsprofessioner i forandring? Konfliktdynamikker i forebyggelsesarbejde på danske hospitaler Lektor Inge Kryger Pedersen har bidraget med tidskriftartiklen "Sundhedsprofessioner i forandring? Konfliktdynamikker i forebyggelsesarbejde på danske hospitaler" i i Dansk Sociologi, 33(3), 2022. På danske hospitaler…
Methods of Theorizing: A Call for Pluralism Associate Professor Mikael Carleheden has contributed with the article "Methods of Theorizing: A Call for Pluralism" for the special session of "Global dialogue - Magazine of the International Sociological Association".…
New Ph.D.: Plugging numbers into a formula isn't physics When students view physics formulas only as mathematical tools, they fail to understand physics in a meaningful way. We need to teach students to ask why, says new Ph.D.
The Current State of Social Theory Associate Professor Mikael Carleheden and Arthur Bueno have edited a special session "The Current State of Social Theory" in the Magazine of the International Sociological Association "Global dialogue - Magazine of the…
New Podcast: Language Use at the University of Copenhagen CIPs has just released the podcast "Language Use at KU," and the first episode is about international staff teaching in Danish as a second language at the University of Copenhagen.
Scientific language cannot be tested solely with pen and paper Science is not merely a collection of terms and formulas but a practice. Assessing children's knowledge of science through pen-and-paper tests only evaluates a limited portion of what they know, says researcher.
Sommerskolen blev en succes med inspiration og ny viden Sommerskolen modtog flot feedback fra de mere end 100 deltagere
New Ph.D.-fellow: We should utilize the body to learn programming When working with computers, we must remember that we are human beings, says new Ph.D.-fellow Fridtjof Ronge Gjengset.
The library is open all summer Remember you can use the library all summer. Copenhagen University Library, South Campus has the following opening hours during the summer period: 1st of July - 3st of August 2023 Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00. …
Dance On! Dancing through Life Burridge and Svendler Nielsen bring together many perspectives from around the world on dancing experiences through life of senior artists and educators, whether as professionals working with community dance groups, in…
Arts, Sustainability and Education The book examines trends in public policy measures in Europe. Offers innovative concepts on arts education and Education for Sustainable Development. Includes case studies combining arts, culture, science, and…
Increased interest in English courses for technical and administrative staff During the first quarter of 2023, CIP has experienced an increase in inquiries about English courses for staff. Academic language consultant, Pete Westbrook, is very enthusiastic about the development.
Aktiverer du dine studerende med Kahoot? Hvis du har mod på det, kan du i stedet springe ud i at bruge Sendsteps, som er det system KU har licens til. Det kan noget af det samme plus mere til. I Sendsteps kan du stille spørgsmål til dine studerende i din…
COBL’s Sommerskole – vi løfter sløret for programmet Sommerskolen vil byde på en masse lækkerier som kan gøre vores dygtige undervisere på SUND endnu bedre. Et gennemgående fokus for sommerskolen, som vi især vil zoome ind på den første dag, er de studerende. DAG 1 Her…
Engagér, Motivér, Inspirér: Aktiv læring for succesfuld undervisning På workshoppen lærer du hvordan du skaber et trygt læringsmiljø, god kontakt og dialog med dine studerende. Få tips til hvordan du rammesætter din undervisning, afstemmer forventninger med dine studerende og udvikler…