Coming soon – offline speech recognition even on low-memory phones More than one in four people currently integrate speech recognition into their daily lives. A new algorithm developed by a University of Copenhagen researcher and his international colleagues makes it possible to…
Languages on the Agenda – Sprog på dagsordenen, CIP releases new book New volume: Languages on the Agenda – Sprog på dagsordenen, of the CIP series Studies in Parallel Language use.
New book on the history of the Danish language Thomas Olander’s book Dansk fra nutiden til stenalderen [Danish from the present to the Stone Age] has been published at U Press. Read more about the book in this article (in Danish).
Open postdoc position on the AI-UNI project Do you have a PhD specialising in sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, applied linguistics or similar, you might be the perfect candidate for the postdoc position as part of the research project AI-UNI.
New book: Sub-Indo-European Europe New book published (Open Access): Guus Kroonen (ed.). 2024. Sub-Indo-European Europe: Problems,methods, results (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 375). Berlin & Boston. De Gruyter Mouton.…
Event in connection with new report: Let's talk about food waste On Friday 27 September 2024, in connection with the annual food waste week, the research project Fighting food waste – navigating values, choices and habits organised an event at the University library in Fiolstræde.
Tobias Mosbæk Søborg featured at Tobias Mosbæk Søborg, who holds a PhD degree from the Roots of Europe centre and is now a postdoc at Leiden University with an internationalisation fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation, is featured in Danish popular…
New book: Power, gender, and mobility New book out! Power, gender, and mobility: Aspects of Indo-European society. Edited by Riccardo Ginevra, Stefan Höfler & Birgit Anette Olsen, assisted by Janus Bahs Jacquet. Museum Tusculanum Press. Publisher website…
New book: Indo-European interfaces The volume Indo-European interfaces: Integrating linguistics, mythology and archaeology has been published at Stockholm University Press.
New PhD student at Roots of Europe: Tore Rovs Kristoffersen On 1 September 2024, the Roots of Europe centre will have a new PhD student: Tore Rovs Kristoffersen. The project is titled “Indo-European economy”. Tore has graduated in Classical Philology from the Saxo Department at…
The Indo-European Dark Ages Illuminated: new research project The Indo-European Dark Ages Illuminated: new research project
Mumbi Macharia is the new Kiswahili teacher at the Centre of African Studies Born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, Mumbi will be teaching Kiswahili I and Kiswahili II at the Center of African Studies
Danish language skills for international staff CIP’s Danish courses play an essential role for international staff at UCPH.
New free workshops in 2024 CIP offers a number of exciting workshops in 2024. These workshops focus on English language usage and presentation techniques, and all UCPH employees are welcome to participate.
To gamle studiekammerater forsvarer deres ph.d.-afhandling inden for samme uge Rasmus Gudmundsen Bjørn og Mikkel Nørtoft Johansen, begge kandidater i Indoeuropæisk fra NorS, har nu på smukkeste vis afsluttet deres ph.d.-forløb næsten samtidig. Rasmus (t.h.) forsvarede sin arkæolingvistiske…
The use of AI in primary school - New book in the CIP series School students use translation tools in their French classes. They have little information from their teachers about how best to use them in the classroom.
The Danish Conquest of Dithmarschen The Low German law codex AM 2 4to contains the younger redaction of the Land Law of Dithmarschen. A later addition in Danish describes the conquest of Dithmarschen by the Kingdom of Denmark in 1559.
One final dictionary from the first Faroese lexicographer The Faroe Islands’ first lexicographer kept producing manuscripts of his dictionary until his death on 14 February 1824. His final dictionary is today housed at the Arnamagnæan Collection.
”Topmøde” om Europa De tre ambassadører fra Polen, Tyskland og Frankrig gæster Søndre Campus og deltager i en samtale med studerende om Europa nu og i fremtiden. I et panel vil de tre store staters repræsentanter give korte oplæg og indgå …
Workshop for L1 teacher educators On 21 February 2024, Petra Daryai-Hansen and Natascha Drachmann host a workshop on the PE-LAL project's findings for teacher educators of Danish and Danish as a second language at the University College Copenhagen.
New podcast episode about language use at meetings at the university Second episode of CIP’s podcast Language Use at UCPH has been published in January 2024, and it is about language choice and language use in relation to meetings at the university.
eLetter featured in the »Indo-European News« podcast episode The eLetter in Science written by many of the Copenhagen Roots in response to the controversial paper by Heggarty et al. has is featured in the podcast »Indo-European News« by UCLA colleagues.
New chart-topping Italian podcast “L'invasione” on the Indo-Europeans – featuring Birgit Rasmussen Birgit Rasmussen has been interviewed for the chart-toping Italian podcast L'invasione on Proto-Indo-European and the Indoeuropeans.
AI and the University: Research grant from the Carlsberg Foundation The Carlsberg Foundation has decided to fund Professor Janus Mortensen’s project "AI and the University – Towards a sociolinguistics of literacy and voice in the age of generative language technology" (AI-UNI) with a…