News about Languages
Viser 1 til 24 af 91 dokumenter.

Languages on the Agenda – Sprog på dagsordenen, CIP releases new book

New book on the history of the Danish language

Open postdoc position on the AI-UNI project

New book: Sub-Indo-European Europe

Event in connection with new report: Let's talk about food waste

Tobias Mosbæk Søborg featured at videnskab.dk

New book: Power, gender, and mobility

New book: Indo-European interfaces

New PhD student at Roots of Europe: Tore Rovs Kristoffersen

The Indo-European Dark Ages Illuminated: new research project
Mumbi Macharia is the new Kiswahili teacher at the Centre of African Studies

Danish language skills for international staff

New free English workshops in 2024

To gamle studiekammerater forsvarer deres ph.d.-afhandling inden for samme uge

The use of AI in primary school - New book in the CIP series

The Danish Conquest of Dithmarschen

One final dictionary from the first Faroese lexicographer

”Topmøde” om Europa

Workshop for L1 teacher educators

New podcast episode about language use at meetings at the university

eLetter featured in the »Indo-European News« podcast episode

New chart-topping Italian podcast “L'invasione” on the Indo-Europeans – featuring Birgit Rasmussen