reNEW releases its Annual Report 2023 The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW, has released its annual report, highlighting the stellar work accomplished throughout 2023.
DKK 180 million for university-industry collaboration The University of Copenhagen has joined the Open Discovery Innovation Network, ODIN, anchored at Aarhus University. The platform, which recently received DKK 180 million in funding from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, aims…
VOLT goes places! While most PhD students decide to go abroad for their change of scientific environment, I decided to do something different. As researchers, we tend to forget that our research can have real-world applications; this fac…
Computer scientists makes noisy data: Can improve treatments in health care University of Copenhagen researchers have developed software able to disguise sensitive data such as those used for Machine Learning in health care applications. The method protects privacy while making datasets…
Researchers invent "methane cleaner": Could become a permanent fixture in cattle and pig barns In a spectacular new study, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have used light and chlorine to eradicate low-concentration methane from air. The result gets us closer to being able to remove greenhouse gases…
Anthropologist to explore “out of the way” places’ dreams of becoming tech landscapes What does it mean for “out of the way” places to build technological futures, and how can these futures reproduce or reconfigure social and economic inequalities? This is what Samantha Dawn Breslin will explore thanks t…
New EU-funded project will explore how AI shapes scientific knowledge Et nyt projekt finansieret af Det Europæiske Forskningsråd vil forstå effekten af kunstig intelligens på skabelsen og udbredelsen af videnskabelig viden.
Professor Thue W. Schwartz wins UCPH Innovation Prize 2023 A founding member of CBMR, Professor Thue W. Schwartz is a pioneering fundamental researcher and co-founder of countless spinouts who has won this year's UCPH Innovation Prize.
University of Copenhagen opens the doors for entrepreneurship All students and staff at the University of Copenhagen can now get access to excellent entrepreneurship training and support. Together with one of Denmark's leading start-up accelerators, Accelerace, the University hope…
Novo Nordisk buys CBMR biotech spinout to acquire their novel approach for treating obesity and type 2 diabetes Researchers from University of Copenhagen discovered a target that suppresses hunger, stimulates calorie burning and increases insulin sensitivity. The spinout Embark Biotech has now been acquired by Novo Nordisk
Hartshorn salt and “baking” solves a serious environmental problem Polyester is the second most used textile in the world and an environmental menace, especially because most of it never gets recycled. The fabric, a blend of plastic and cotton, has been difficult for the industry to…
New vice-dean at University of Copenhagen SCIENCE Professor Jesper Wengel is a high-profile researcher, inventor and business owner. From 1 September 2023, he will also be the new Vice-Dean for Innovation and External Relations at SCIENCE – the University of…
UCPH launches first strategy for innovation University of Copenhagen is one of Europe's leading universities when it comes to research. Now the university wants to see more of its good ideas developed and implemented in practice for the greater benefit of society…
The University of Copenhagen invests in the development of medicines from health-promoting gut bacteria The University of Copenhagen is the first Danish university to invest in a company based on its own research in a unique collaboration with a venture fund. In April 2023, the spinout GutCRINE ApS received initial fundin…
BRIC/Finsen spinout Adcendo Aps moves forward towards clinical trials Closing a Series A extension financing of 31 million euro will allow BRIC/Finsen spinout Adcendo ApS to conduct broad phase 1 testing of their uPARAP ADC, starting by the end of 2024.
reNEW releases its first annual report reNEW, the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, is thrilled to release its first annual report. reNEW is a global consortium focusing on translating stem cell science into therapies.
Green breakthrough: New models calculate our impact on nature and climate Economists from the University of Copenhagen have developed green models to calculate environmental and climate effects in Denmark's entire economy.
"I loved working all the time – from basic research to entrepreneurial work" Emil Andersen is a PhD candidate at CBMR and is also the co-founder and chief scientific officer of ExSeed Health, which sells kits that allow men to test the quality of their sperm at home.
Niels Behrendt receives the NNF Distinguished Innovator Grant Niels Behrendt, group leader at the Finsen Laboratory, Rigshospitalet/BRIC receives the NNF Distinguished Innovator grant for a project focused on creating test ADC therapeutics.
An ode to people who work in labs With a short film, Postdoc Thomas Hughes has delivered an atypical anthropological product at the outskirts of academia – even though the film is celebrating science.
Student project grants 2022/2023 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut…
Zerion Pharma, a successful spin-out from our research environment Zerion Pharma is a growing company with patents and technology that have been developed mostly by Associate Professor Korbinian Löbmann in the Solid State Pharmaceutics group.
Researchers will study the structures of food at the atomic level through a new Danish-Swedish collaboration Why is yoghurt so silky smooth and delicious and how do you achieve the same consistency using plant-based components? Researchers from the Department of Food Science can investigate this through a new collaboration…
New Epi-Fluorescence and Phase contrast Microscope available A new microscope installed at CFIM enables researchers to quickly check their fluorescence samples by Epi-fluorescence, or image cells grown in different vessels using Phase Contrast.