One of world's largest glacier floods triggered in Greenland For the first time, scientists have observed the release of a massive glacial lake outburst in East Greenland, where more than 3,000 billion liters of meltwater were unleashed in just weeks. This rare, natural flooding…
Affolkningen truer små bygder - men der skal ikke meget til for at vende udviklingen Jyllands-Posten bragte den 28. september en artikel, hvor FutureArcticLives' Kåre Hendriksen peger på, at politisk prioritering spiller en afgørende rolle i, om de grønlandske bygder udvikler sig eller affolkes.
Fisk betyder alt for Grønland. Nu kan en revolution vende op og ned på samfundet, true bygderne og skabe kvotekonger Avisen Politiken bragte den 8. september en artikel, der gentager FutureArcticLives' advarsler om indførslen af individuelle overførbare kvoter i jollefiskeriet i Grønland.
Health in Greenland - local and global perspectives On 28 June 2024, University of Copenhagen's Department of Public Health, Globe Institute, and the School of Global Health hosted an enlightening afternoon symposium about health in Greenland.
Fiskeriloven kan skabe problemer for samfundet: I Alaska har man løsningen Hvordan omstiller man Grønlands fiskeri, så det er godt for både dyr, mennesker og samfundet? Man kunne lade sig inspirere af Alaska, foreslår Rikke Becker Jacobsen, samarbejdspartner med FutureArcticLives.
Birgitte Hoffmann: Ny fiskerilov vil få konsekvenser for Grønlands mindre lokalsamfund og bygder Det kan få langtrækkende virkninger at ændre på fiskeriet i Grønland, der ikke blot vil berøre den økonomiske sektor men også den sociale og kulturelle struktur.
Matthew Hatton presents insights from StrathE2EPolar FutureArcticLives monthly seminars revived with a presentation by Matthew Hatton on the insights from StrathE2EPolar - a strategic modelling tool for ecosystem-based fisheries management – focusing on West Greenland.
Scenarie for Royal Greenlands rejefabrik i Ilulissat Avannaata Kommunia i Grønland har anmodet FutureArcticLives om at analysere hvilke konsekvenser forslaget til fiskerilovs potentielt kan have for rejeindhandlingen i Ilulissat.
Birger Poppel: Fiskeriloven handler om meget mere end fiskeri FutureArcticLives' samfundsforsker Birger Poppel, der har beskæftiget sig med fiskeri i mere end 30 år, forklarer, at det er svært at få fiskeriloven på plads, fordi den handler om meget mere end fiskeri.
Analyse af Fiskerilov til Avannaata Kommunia Forslag til ny fiskerilov vil få konsekvenser for beskæftigelsen og skatteindtjeningen fra hellefiskeriet i Avannaata Kommunia. Avannaata Kommunia har derfor bedt FutureArcticLives om at analysere konsekvenserne af, del…
FutureArcticLives fejlciteret i KNR FutureArcticLives understreger, at forskergruppen på intet tidspunkt har sagt, at "fiskerolovforslaget var lige til at skylle ud i havet", som KNR skriver i en artikel fra januar 2024.
New geological study: Scandinavia was born in Greenland The oldest Scandinavian bedrock was 'born' in Greenland according to a new geological study from the University of Copenhagen. The study helps us understand the origin of continents and why Earth is the only planet in…
New study reports that Greenland is a methane sink rather than a source Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that the methane uptake in dry landscapes exceeds methane emissions from wet areas across the ice-free part of Greenland. The results of the new study contribut…
Fiskerilov kan blive katastrofal Ifølge FutureArcticLives' samfundsforsker Birger Poppel kan ny fiskerilov i Grønland ende i en katastrofe.
FutureArctivLives sender hørringssvar til forslag til Inatsisartutlov om fiskeri Forslag til Inatsisartutlov om fiskeri forventes fremsat til behandling hos Inatsisartut til forårssamlingen i 2024. FutureArcticLives anbefaler udsættelse pga. en lang række problemer og uklarheder, der kan få store…
Del 1: Hvor og hvordan skal man bo og leve i fremtidens Grønland? Nedenfor kan du læse del 1 af de to kronikker, som i December 2024 blev bragt i den grønlandske avis Sermitsiaq.
Del 2: Hvor og hvordan skal man bo og leve i fremtidens Grønland? Nedenfor kan du læse del 2 af de to kronikker, som i December 2024 blev bragt i den grønlandske avis Sermitsiaq.
New research: Fivefold increase in the melting of Greenland's glaciers over the last 20 years In the largest survey of its kind ever conducted, using both satellite imagery and old aerial photos from the Danish National Archives, researchers from the University of Copenhagen firmly establish that Greenland’s…
PRIVACY-researcher Asta Mønsted contributed to the Venice Biennale of Architecture This year’s Venice Biennale of Architecture opened in May and is running until the end of November. On October 12 archaeologist and postdoctoral researcher at PRIVACY, Asta Mønsted contributed to a workshop in the Nordi…
Pay dirt for ice core scientists in East Greenland as they reach bedrock An international research collaboration (EGRIP) headed by ice core scientists from the University of Copenhagen has attained their goal of drilling to the bottom of the ice sheet. It marks the first time that this has…
Pay dirt for ice core scientists in East Greenland as they reach bedrock An international research collaboration (EGRIP) headed by ice core scientists from the University of Copenhagen has attained their goal of drilling to the bottom of the ice sheet. It marks the first time that this has…
Legends of Norse Settlers drove Denmark towards Greenland The Danish colonisation of Greenland in the 18th century was in part driven by the desire to re-establish contact with early Norse settlers that vanished from the island in the course of the 15th century. Legends about…
New affiliated professor in arctic health at University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen is appointing medical doctor Michael Lynge Pedersen as the new affiliated professor in artic health at the Department of Public Health.
New knowledge about ice sheet movement can shed light on when sea levels will rise The trawling of thousands of satellite measurements using artificial intelligence has shown researchers from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland and University of Copenhagen that meltwater in tunnels beneath…