Interview with Olivier Rubin COPE interviews Olivier Rubin, Professor of Disaster Research and member of the Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research.
New study on September 2024 floods in Central Europe Researchers Emmanuel Raju and Nick Baumgart from the Global Health Section, University of Copenhagen have contributed to a new study on the mid-September 2024 floods in C. Europe, titled "Climate change and high exposur…
Webinar on CliCNord - the Main Findings: Full Recording On June 6 2024, the Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research, along with University College Copenhagen and University of Copenhagen hosted a presentation of the main findings of the CliCNord project.
Plague emerges from Stone Age graves Ancient DNA from bones and teeth hints at a role of the plague in Stone Age population collapse
Interview with Kristoffer Langkjær Albris COPE interviews Kristoffer Albris, Associate Professor at Anthropology and SODAS, University of Copenhagen, Head of Studies for M.Sc. in Social Data Science. What do you do at COPE and how does your anthropological…
Borgernes forståelser af skybrud og andre beredskabshændelser samt forventninger til kommunikation i Frederiksberg Kommune Nina Blom Andersen and Louise Hill have published a report (in Danish) presenting the findings from the Danish LINKS case study on cloud bursts in the city of Frederiksberg. Based on a comprehensive study involving both…
Social media and crowdsourcing in disaster risk management: Trends, gaps, and insights from the current state of research Social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) are increasingly used as tools to govern disasters. Nevertheless, we have a limited understanding of how these technologies support disaster risk management (DRM). Based on a…
Climate Change Resilience in Small Communities in the Nordic Countries (CliCNord) Climate change is also affecting the Nordic countries, and there are vulnerable geographical areas that will be particularly affected by an increasing number of devastating natural events.
Rethinking Vulnerability in the Nordic countries: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic Researchers Emmanuel Raju, Claudia Morsut, Olivier Rubin, Gyöngyi Kovács, Johan von Schreeb, Carina King and Anne Bach Nielsen have published their new study in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction titled…
DISTRACT research note: "Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online" In March 2023, DISTRACT researchers Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, Tobias Gårdhus & Jonas Toubøl published the research note "Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online" in European Societies.
Exploring the impacts of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience This paper provides insights into the ongoing research and findings of the LINKS project, which focuses on the application of SMCS technologies in disasters. Indeed, the overall objective of LINKS is strengthening the…
Leveraging Social Media and Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management Processes in Europe From the report's executive summary: In a changing technological landscape to address disasters, and with increasing diversity of stakeholders in disaster risk management, we need to develop new pathways of using…
New honorary doctors change our view of the past At the university's traditional annual celebration, Årsfesten, in November, the new honorary doctors at UCPH are appointed. This year, the Faculty of Humanities is appointing two of the 11 new honorary doctors.
Emergency management in small remote communities in the Nordic countries Across the Nordic countries, climate change-related incidents will add further strain to the contemporary emergency management system. Climate-related hazards occur more frequently and on a large scale and will thereby…
Anja Simonsen publishes article on "the transnational business of death" CGC researcher Anja Simonsen has published the article ’The “Transnational Business of Death” among Somali Migrants in the Streets of Athens’ as part of a special issue in Migration and Society on ‘Transnational Street…
Trine Mygind Korsby publishes article on Romanian pimps CGC researcher Trine Mygind Korsby has published the article “Reading Desires: Romanian Pimps Striving for Success in the Transnational Street Economy” as part of a special issue of Migration & Society on ‘Transnational…
Off-flavours: 3rd network training workshop The 3rd network training in the RASOPTA project took place in Germany from 2 to 5 May 2023.
Silva Nova annual meeting in Estonia, 29 May – 1 June 2023 This year, the Silva Nova team gathered in Estonia for its third workshop, which was hosted by our partners at Tartu University (Oecologicum)
Incredible bacterium can transfer its genes into plants and give them superpowers Humans have bred for desirable plant and animal traits for millennia by selecting and crossing their offspring. Now, researchers at the University of Copenhagen are taking a natural shortcut to promote beneficial change…
Incredible bacterium can transfer its genes into plants and give them superpowers Humans have bred for desirable plant and animal traits for millennia by selecting and crossing their offspring. Now, researchers at the University of Copenhagen are taking a natural shortcut to promote beneficial change…
Dr. Eun Hye Kim awarded Proxime Accessit in the 2022 ELFA Award Dr. Eun Hye Kim was awarded Proxime Accessit in the ELFA Award 2022 for her thesis entitled “The Advocate General as an Actor of Change – or Consolidation – in EU Competition Law.”
Trine Mygind Korsby publishes chapter on human trafficking and sex work between Romania and Italy The chapter entitled “Complex intimacies: Sex work, human trafficking and romance between Italy and the Black Sea coast of Romania” has been published in the book “A Sea of Transience. Poetics, Politics and Aesthetics…
Denmark spearheading transformation of EU food system The University of Copenhagen is leading a comprehensive new EU project, CLEVERFOOD, that will facilitate a society-wide mobilisation of European citizens to transform the European food system that benefits climate goals…
What the heck are pulses? European unawareness stands in the way of this “green” superfood European consumption of pulses doesn’t stack up against national dietary recommendations – with Denmark in last place. This is the finding of a new EU-funded study by the University of Copenhagen as part of the…