News about Chemistry
Viser 1 til 24 af 56 dokumenter.

Organic material from Mars reveals the likely origin of life’s building blocks

Our new professor of radiopharmaceutical chemistry

Annual BBQ 2024

Our new expert in clinical and applied biochemistry

Chemistry gala 2024

New weapon against dementia: "In just minutes, the AI solves a challenge that would take neuroscientists weeks."

Nyt våben mod demens: ”Algoritmen løser udfordring på få minutter som tager hjerneforsker flere uger.”

CopenHel workshop in Finland

Visit from Chris Kenseth

Kjaergaard Group Research Workshop

BIO researcher was researching his way through the eye of a needle

New national project aims to strengthen diversity in research environments

Matthias Herth Professor of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry

Researchers invent "methane cleaner": Could become a permanent fixture in cattle and pig barns

Henrik's 60th Birthday

Smog from Copenhagen’s Bispeengbuen heads straight into living rooms

#TownsFest Online Symposium

Major EU grant will make metal alloys the catalysts of the future

Our new professor in Medicinal Chemistry

Honorary doctorate in natural science to prof. Paul Dupree

The Novo Nordisk foundation NMR facility at the Department of Chemistry

Martin Malmsten part of new Center of Excellence