News about Behaviour
Viser 1 til 24 af 71 dokumenter.

Evidence of discrimination does not sway public support for policies addressing the problem

Celebrating 2024 publications from the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies (DNRF138)

Christina Gravert receives Carlsberg’s Semper Ardens Accelerate grant

Salvation vs. health: The eternal pursuit of the flawless life

Our attention is not failing us – it almost works too well

Impact of 700 years of Inuvialuit subsistence hunting on beluga whales

People without an inner voice have poorer verbal memory

Climate crisis: New project explores how flexible our eating habits are

Alessandro Moretti invited as guest on BBC podcast on ticket touting

Women’s Private Practices of Knowledge Production in Early Modern Europe

Hearing loss: New film shows ways to a good school and working life

Torben Heien Nielsen to TV2 News: Increase in retirement savings

Sociological research plays key role in conflict management campaign

New PRIVACY book: Privacy at Sea - Practices, Spaces and Communication in Maritime History

Centre director Mette Birkedal Bruun in the podcast ‘Videnskab fra vilde hjerner’

Denmark Disconnected? Presentation of preliminary survey results

Your phone gives your mind what it likes the most: endless possibilities for novelty

Christina Gravert presented at the Science and Innovation Forum at FAO

People learning economics are less likely to get into financial trouble

Under Pressure? Performance Evaluation of Police Officers as an Incentive to Cheat

Christina Jerne publishes article on solidarity economies and Danish minority gangs

Henrik Vigh discusses cocaine use on Danish radio station P3