Adam S. Knorr & Ida L. Stoustrup Locking an Optical Cavity using a Microcontroller Academic supervisor: Jan W. Thomsen
Artificial Intelligence Can Reveal Your Body’s ‘Real’ Age New artificial intelligence can determine your biological age with great precision. It can reveal whether lifestyle changes and medicinal products can increase your chances of living a long and healthy life. This is the…
Congratulations to Signe Hillerup Larsen Congratulations to Signe Hillerup Larsen at Centre for Ice and Climate who successfully defended her PhD thesis on Thursday 14 December 2017 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Climate research receives a 4.5 million DKK grant from the Carlsberg Foundation Carlsberg Foundation supports a climate project with 4.5 million DKK grant, that will provide new knowledge about the mechanisms of the sudden climate change of the past, improving our ability to handle the risk of the…
Jack Christopher Hutchinson Rolph Measurement of the total p-p cross section using the ALFA detector at √s = 13 TeV
Jan Haerter receives DKK 10 million for research on atmospheric complexity Jan Haerter from the Atmospheric Complexity Group at the Niels Bohr Institute receives an ERC Consolidator Grant of DKK 10 million for research on cloud-cloud interaction and for better understanding of the climate…
Qubits put into reverse A group of scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, has figured out how to make spin qubits perform controlled backward rotations. This has never been shown before.
Women in Physics Prize 2017 awarded to up and coming astrophysicist Sarah Pearson Together with the well-deserved KIF prize of 5000 Danish crowns, Christina Nis, Professor MSO at Roskilde University and member of the KiF Prize award committee, delivered these fine words to the Columbia-based Phd…
From deep under the Antartica-surface: IceCube has collected new knowledge about high-energy neutrino physics High-energy neutrinos ‘caught’ in Antarctica Scientists from NBI were part of an international team measuring neutrino interaction at energy levels 1000 times higher than what can be attained in man-made particle…
Eugene Polzik receives DKK 10 million for fundamental research and innovation in quantum optics QUANTOP at the Niels Bohr Institute has attracted DKK 10 million funding from two funding agencies, the John Templeton Foundation (USA) and EUREKA – the European framework targeting cooperation between SMEs and research…
Anja C. Andersen has been awarded the Danish Authors' Society Literary Prize 2017 The prize has previously been awarded, among others, to Ebbe Kløvedal Reich, Tor Nørretranders, Jørn Lund, Peter Øvig Knudsen, Jens Andersen, Ulrik Langen and Søren Ryge. This year, the prize is shared between Anja C.…
Ink from ancient Egyptian papyri contains copper Until recently, it was assumed that the ink used for writing was primarily carbon-based at least until the fourth and fifth centuries AD. But in a new University of Copenhagen study, analyses of 2,000-year-old papyri…
New discovery: Supernova explodes several times Astronomers have for the first time discovered a star that exploded multiple times over a period of more than fifty years. These observations are challenging existing theories on cosmic catastrophes.
Signe Hillerup Larsen Dynamics of Upernavik Isstrøm - Controlling mechanisms of ice stream flow Advisors: Christine Schøtt Hvidberg and Andreas Peter Ahlstrøm
Neutron star smash shakes universe Scientists have, for the first time, captured gravitational waves as well as light, from two neutron stars that orbited each other ever closer to eventually collide. The groundbreaking discovery begins a...
Neutronstjerners sammenstød rystede universet For første gang er det lykkedes at opfange tyngdebølger såvel som lys fra to kolliderende neutronstjerner. Den banebrydende opdagelse indleder en helt ny æra inden for astronomien.
Astronomerne har fået en ekstra sans Nu er det for første gang lykkedes at detektere tyngdebølger såvel som elektromagnetiske stråling fra det samme objekt. Vi har fået en ny sans, så vi nu også kan opfatte tyngdeverdenen, vi kan både se og høre universet.
Now we can find out where the heavy elements come from The discovery of a kilonova produced by the collision of two neutron stars brings researchers a big step closer to the explanation of one of the great puzzles of science: how the heaviest elements in the universe were…
Nu er det bevist: Her kommer de tunge grundstoffer fra Opdagelsen af en kilonova fremkommet ved sammenstødet mellem to neutronstjerner bringer forskerne et stort skridt nærmere opklaringen af en af videnskabens store gåder: Hvordan de tungeste grundstoffer i universet er…
Sådan gjorde de: Den største astronomiske opdagelse i nyere tid En videnskabelig sensation kom i hus, da tusindvis af forskere samarbejdede om at måle tyngdebølger og lys fra sammenstødet mellem to neutronstjerner 140 millioner lysår væk.
Congratulations to Niccolò Maffezzoli Congratulations to Niccolò Maffezzoli at the Centre for Ice and Climate who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Thursday 12 October 2017, and obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.