News about Quantum physics
Viser 193 til 216 af 334 dokumenter.

Michael Zugenmaier

Charles Marcus elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences

From musician to professor of quantum physics

Eugene Polzik receives ERC Advanced Grant for the second time, this time for 16.2 million DKK

Anton L. Andersen

Anders Simonsen

Christoffer Bo Møller

Luca Dellantonio

Michael Zugenmaier

Tommaso Pregnalato

Vincent Elfving

Johann Sebastian Kollath-Bönig

Mark Rudner receives the Niels Bohr Institute’s teaching award 2017

Adam S. Knorr & Ida L. Stoustrup

Qubits put into reverse

Eugene Polzik receives DKK 10 million for fundamental research and innovation in quantum optics

Asbjørn Arvad Jørgensen

Sofie Lindskov Hansen

Mantas Cepulkovskis

Smart atomic cloud solves Heisenberg's observation problem

Iron secrets behind superconductors unlocked

Signe Folden Simonsen