Oliver August Dall’Alba Sandberg Quantum: Illuminated - Theory of light-matter interaction for quantum enhanced technologies Supervisor: Prof. Anders S. Sørensen
Strong co-organized Summer School on gravitational waves Gravitational Wave Astrophysics is at the dawn of what will become one of the greatest scientific endeavors of the 21st century. The Nobel Prize winning first detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo…
Tetyana Pitik High-Energy Neutrino Emission from Astrophysical Transients Supervisor: Prof. Irene Tamborra
VÍCTOR BRANCO VALERA BACA The particle physics discovery potential in the ultra-high-energy neutrino era Supervised by: Mauricio Bustamante
Course on Black holes and Gravitational Waves If you are interested please fill black hole course Lecturers: Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Maarten van de Meent Placement: Block 4 Credits: 7.5 ECTS Evaluation: exercises + research project Course description: Black holes are…
Meghana Killi Morphology and Spectroscopy of Highredshift Galaxies - Galaxy evolution through multi-wavelength observations Supervisor: Darach Watson
Atefeh Shadmani Heterogeneous integration of GaAs waveguides on low loss substrates for qantum photonic circuits Supervisors: Peter Lodahl and Leonardo Midolo
Colliding neutron stars provide a new way to measure the expansion of the Universe In recent years, astronomy has seen itself in a bit of crisis: Although we know that the Universe expands, and although we know approximately how fast, the two primary ways to measure this expansion do not agree. Now…
Strong at LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA in Japan Scientists from around the world gather in Toyama, Japan, for the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration meeting September 11-14, 2023. The focus of the meeting was discussing the progress of the ongoing fourth observing run…
Sara Schjødt Kjær Title: Implementation and optimisation of a Graph Neural Network-based track reconstruction pipeline on Intel FPGAs for the ATLAS TDAQ system for HL-LHC Supervisor: Alessandra Camplani
Astronomers discover newborn galaxies with the James Webb Space Telescope With the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers are now able to peer so far back in time that we are approaching the epoch where we think that the first galaxies were created.
Simon Christian Debes Title: Determining Detector Efficiency And Timing Through Muon Tomography And Simulation Calibration Using Graph Neural Networks On IceCube Data Supervisor: Troels Christian Petersen
New Ph.D.: Plugging numbers into a formula isn't physics When students view physics formulas only as mathematical tools, they fail to understand physics in a meaningful way. We need to teach students to ask why, says new Ph.D.
Thomas Sahl Christensen Title: Low Temperature AC Susceptibility of the Frustrated Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Kagomé System Herbertsmithite Supervisor: Kim Lefmann
Distinguished Wigner Lecture Vitor was a Distinguished Lecturer at the Wigner 121 Scientific Symposium, and talked about the gravitational wave revolution and new, powerful tests of General Relativity and black hole physics. The Wigner Research…
Rasmus Damgaard Nielsen Title: Massively parallel simulation of dusty protostellar systems Supervisors: Troels Haugbølle, Åke Nordlund
test news Galakser der skygger for lyset Hvis en galakse tilfældigvis ligger langs sigtelinjen mod en fjernere, klar lyskilde, vil galaksen “skygge” for lyskilden og absorbere noget af dens lys. Denne absorption skyldes de gas- o…
A galaxy group in the early Universe Contrary to typical observations, the galaxy was discovered not by the light it emits, but by the light it absorbs. The galaxy itself evades observations, but has at least one nearby companion.
Dan Friis Tømmerby Jensen Title: Numerically Modelling of the Seismic Responses from Fractures Inserted into a Caprock Supervisor: Klaus Mosegaard
Veronika Kaminski Title: Hot Atomic Ensemble for Quantum Enhanced Sensing with Increased Atomic Polarization Supervisor: Eugene S. Polzik
Alejandro Maza Villalpando Title: Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Stellar Parameters in Realistic Molecular Cloud Environments Supervisor: Troels Haugbølle
Eric Planz Electro- and opto-mechanics with soft-clamped membrane resonators at milliKelvin temperatures for quantum memory and transduction Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albert Schliesser