News about Geophysics
Viser 193 til 216 af 346 dokumenter.

Kasper Stener Hintzs

Mads Bruun Poulsen

Marius Folden Simonsen

Nicholas Mossor Rathmann

Rasmus Bødker Madsen

Simone Juul Jakobsen

Sonja Wahl

Congratulations to Signe Hillerup Larsen

Climate research receives a 4.5 million DKK grant from the Carlsberg Foundation

Jan Haerter receives DKK 10 million for research on atmospheric complexity

Signe Hillerup Larsen

Congratulations to Niccolò Maffezzoli

New generation ESA-satellites capable of revealing future sea level rises

Niccolò Maffezzoli

Massive Antarctic Volcanic Eruptions Triggered Abrupt Southern Hemisphere Climate Changes Near the End of the Last Ice Age

Peder Heiselberg

Satellite photos reveal gigantic outburst floods

Naya Sophie Rye Jørgensen

Andy Morris

Congratulations to Troels Bøgeholm Mikkelsen

Congratulations to Lisbeth Tangaa Nielsen

KU researcher with bad climate news won the Danish Research Result of the Year