News about Quantum physics
Viser 169 til 192 af 334 dokumenter.

Elvira Caroline Jarmbæk Jacobsen

Thomas Hummel

Copenhagen researchers break quantum limit in the precision of force and position measurements

Nanocomponent is a quantum leap for Danish physicists

Nanocomponent is a quantum leap for Danish physicists

Honorable invitation to Deividas Sabonis, PhD student at Center for Quantum Devices, NBI

Ærefuld invitation til Deividas Sabonis, Ph.d. studerende ved Center for Quantum Devices, NBI

Eugene Polzik receives Villum Investigator grant for pushing the boundaries of quantum mechanics

Long-distance quantum information exchange - success at the nanoscale

Mikkel Bloch Lauritzen

Four young scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants

Andreas Barg

Eugene Polzik appointed Knight of the Dannebrog

Caroline M. Nielsen

Stefan M. Rathmann

Microsoft and University of Copenhagen are building the world’s first, scalable quantum computer in Lyngby

David Cirauqui Garcia

Official opening of Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q)

Jesper Nygård appointed professor of experimental solid-state physics

Christian Zhou Raahauge

Mathias Bouchacourt

Mikkel Tang