News about Technology
Viser 145 til 168 af 276 dokumenter.

Gene targeting in cell lines

BARC researcher secures EU funding in theoretical computer science

Roberta Sinatra in Northwestern University Panel on “Inequalities in Scientific Production”

UCPH researcher lauded for superb solution of algorithmic riddle from the 1950s

Open World Conference 10-11 Nov. 2022: Open Science and Global Dangers

10 BARC papers accepted for SODA and SOSA 2023

CPH Tech Policy Commitee

Disability and Technology in Africa: Introduction

Disappearing coastlines: A smartphone and selfie stick can let us know by how much

Huge unveiling of schizophrenia brain cells show new treatment targets

Research project will improve diagnostics and treatment of strokes with artificial intelligence

DIKU creates digital twins of the future

Surprising news: Your smartphone can help strengthen your memory

Translational AML trial improves clinical outcome and identifies novel drugs for future treatment

Faster knowledge of side effects via artificial intelligence

BARC welcomes four new PhD students

Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen will give talk as part of the AI seminar series

Thore Husfeldt explains the algorithms behind Tinder

Ph.D. Defence: Asmus Kalckar Olesen

Cover page article in Nucleic Acids Research

CellX Infrastructure Network strengthens single cell omics in Denmark and at BRIC

English bias in computing: Images to the rescue