News about Politics
Viser 145 til 168 af 285 dokumenter.

The Power of Morality in Movements

Who are the people behind human trafficking?

Multiple Perspectives, Cultivating Communities: Reflections on the NEEDS 2022 Conference

Politologist will bridge sciences to solve humanitarian crises

A new land reform can address climate challenges facing the agricultural sector, researchers argue

SAMF researcher contributes to court case against suspected pirate

Almost every other Dane is trying to cut back on meat

Psychology professor: Experiences in Virtual Reality can motivate us to climate action

Psychology professor: Experiences in Virtual Reality can motivate us to climate action

SAMF student wins prestigious essay competition

Essay about Danish Flexicurity: Rights and Duties

Niels Johannsen on Global Forum

The EU and Denmark: Golden anniversary at a time of democratic unrest and upheaval

The Meaning in the Machine - August Lohse presents at DDAS

Joseph Burgess on radio show "Connections with Evan Dawson"

Ole Wæver wins the Erik Rasmussen Prize

CPH Tech Policy Commitee

Economist wants to end the alphabet's power over pharmaceuticals

Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes

Viral lobbying: How the largest and hardest hit organisations made themselves heard during the pandemic

Republican Party lost core supporters after the attack on Capitol

‘We need the money’