Fiskerilov kan blive katastrofal Ifølge FutureArcticLives' samfundsforsker Birger Poppel kan ny fiskerilov i Grønland ende i en katastrofe.
FutureArctivLives sender hørringssvar til forslag til Inatsisartutlov om fiskeri Forslag til Inatsisartutlov om fiskeri forventes fremsat til behandling hos Inatsisartut til forårssamlingen i 2024. FutureArcticLives anbefaler udsættelse pga. en lang række problemer og uklarheder, der kan få store…
Karen Lauterbach Appointed to Editorial Board Director and Associate Professor Karen Lauterbach has been appointed to the advisory editorial board for the Journal of Modern African Studies published by Cambridge University Press. The journal offers a survey of…
Islands in the Indian Ocean: Development and Biodiversity In the latest news Associate Professor Stig Jensen, after a visit to the island state delves into the islands of the Indian Ocean focusing on their biodiversity, development, and the impact of colonization today. The…
Doing your field work abroad? Rikke Louise Jensen and Nanna Schødt Hansen were offered the opportunity to do their field work for their MSc thesis in Kenya - an adventure beyond their wildest dreams.
CERTIZENS Regional Workshop on Changing ID Systems in East Africa We are hosting an East Africa Regional Workshop in Kampala from 15-17 January 2024, with the title Changing ID Systems in East Africa: Histories, Policies and Practices and the Reshaping of States and Citizens.
Del 1: Hvor og hvordan skal man bo og leve i fremtidens Grønland? Nedenfor kan du læse del 1 af de to kronikker, som i December 2024 blev bragt i den grønlandske avis Sermitsiaq.
Del 2: Hvor og hvordan skal man bo og leve i fremtidens Grønland? Nedenfor kan du læse del 2 af de to kronikker, som i December 2024 blev bragt i den grønlandske avis Sermitsiaq.
Gabriëlle La Croix’s Semester Abroad in Pittsburgh, USA ITSS PhD Fellow, Gabriëlle La Croix, is coming to the end of her semester at the University of Pittsburgh. Find out what she's been up to!
Leveraging Social Media and Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management Processes in Europe From the report's executive summary: In a changing technological landscape to address disasters, and with increasing diversity of stakeholders in disaster risk management, we need to develop new pathways of using…
Fighting for Biodiversity in Africa In an article published in Danish Journal Udenrigs, Associate Professor Stig Jensen, details the fight for biodiversity in Africa. With an increasing threat of extinction to multiple animal species on the continent,…
COP28 - Africa In a recent episode of Danish Radio P1 Orientering Udsyn, Associate Professor Stig Jensen talks about the first African Climate Summit and Africa’s position related to the COP 28 meeting. The African agenda focusing on…
Critique of Denmark's Poor Listening Skills Towards Africa's Climate Goals In an article for Altinget, Associate Professor Stig Jensen together with Rune Larsen, points out the hypocrisy of Denmark’s climate initiatives. Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan…
Dissemination and Outreach Workshop Report is now available Stakeholders, including researchers, community leaders, local political interest groups, and planners, discussed the project's findings
Danish cattle veterinarians' perspectives on antimicrobial use: Contextual and individual influencing factors Associate professor Carsten Strøby Jensen has contributed to the article ‘Danish cattle veterinarians' perspectives on antimicrobial use: Contextual and individual influencing factors’, published in the US Journal of…
Atreyee Sen is featured in a recently published ethnographic volume on disappearance CGC researcher, Atreyee Sen, has authored a chapter in a recently published book on disappearance in different social, cultural and political contexts.
Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar vulnerable to underreported extreme heat would not have occurred without climate change Researchers Nick Baumgard and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health join their peers in this new study (featured on the Guardian) titled "Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar highly vulnerable to…
The influence of cash assistance on the localisation agenda in Kenya’s humanitarian sector Pablo V. Holm-Nielsen, Peter Furu and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health have published a paper in Jàmbá - Journal of Disaster Risk Studies titled: The influence of cash assistance on the…
Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Nordic Journal of African Studies There is an increase in technological consent forms, in research institutions in both Africa and the Nordics. It is often explained in complex legal terms and presented in written form. This increase in informed consent…
The Resilience of Africa's Democracies and the Their Military Coups Associate Professor, Stig Jensen, has recently been in the media to discuss the ongoing military coups that many African counties are experiencing. He explains that many citizens in the countries in Africa that have…
New research: Fivefold increase in the melting of Greenland's glaciers over the last 20 years In the largest survey of its kind ever conducted, using both satellite imagery and old aerial photos from the Danish National Archives, researchers from the University of Copenhagen firmly establish that Greenland’s…
Rikke Haugegaard publishes article in new military academic journal CGC's Rikke Haugegaard has recently published an article in the new academic journal Inter Populum: The Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations.
PRIVACY-researcher Asta Mønsted contributed to the Venice Biennale of Architecture This year’s Venice Biennale of Architecture opened in May and is running until the end of November. On October 12 archaeologist and postdoctoral researcher at PRIVACY, Asta Mønsted contributed to a workshop in the Nordi…