AgroEco-HPC has started The 5-year project “A high performance data-driven agroecosystem modelling platform for developing agricultural systems with minimum environmental impact (AgroEco-HPM)” has just started. It is funded by the Novo Nordic…
Large grant for world-class research in algorithms Professor Mikkel Thorup receives a grant of DKK 29.5 million from the VILLUM foundation to continue his successful basic research centre, Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC).
Large grant for world-class research in algorithms Professor Mikkel Thorup receives a grant of DKK 29.5 million from the VILLUM foundation to continue his successful basic research centre, Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC).
Newsletter no 33 is out Progress of the AgroEco-HPM project and funding for the "KlimaGødning"-project (Climatefertilisation - model for climate impact of fertiliser use in Danish agriculture) and much more.
A new MSc in Biosolutions programme to open in Kalundborg next year The University of Copenhagen will open a new two-year MSc in Biosolutions programme in Kalundborg in 2024. The goal is to train graduates with a solid knowledge of sustainable solutions and technologies for the bio-base…
Astrid ferments plant-based cheese Cheese is the most exciting food there is – especially if it is made from plants! So thinks Astrid Bonke, who has a bachelor’s degree in Food and Nutrition and has since studied Food Science with a specialisation in…
Digital Dependence: Online Fatigue and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Lockdown Assistant professor Kristoffer Albris has with colleagues from SODAS, published an article in Media, Culture & Society entitled 'Digital Dependence: Online Fatigue and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Lockdown'.
Bachelor Project at BARC wins Computational Geometry Challenge Last month, a team consisting of BA student William Bille Meyling, and BARC researchers Mikkel Abrahamsen and André Nusser were announced winners of the CG:Shop 2023 challenge
Invitation to the inauguration of professor Morten Arendt Rasmussen Invitation to the inauguration of professor Morten Arendt Rasmussen March 3 at 1 pm in Copenhagen Plant Science Center Auditorium A2.11.01 - CPSC1, entrance via Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C
Modern arms technologies help autocratic rulers stay in power Autocrats and dictators quickly acquire new arms technologies from abroad and often use them against their own citizens. Now a study shows that the spread of military technologies inhibits democratic reform.
Construction work near the Biocenter There is a risk that this type of construction work may be noisy and can sometimes produce low-frequency vibrations. For further details, please see the attached letter from the construction management (in Danish only).…
Daisy Newsletter 31 and 32 out Daisy Newsletter 32 is out AgroEco-HPM funded Daisy Newsletter 31 is also out, some time ago Daisy 6.32 released
An Anthropology of Futures and Technologies Associate Professor Karen Waltorp has co-edited the book An Anthropology of Futures and Technologies, authored the preface and in collaboration with Maja Hojer Bruun, the chapter 'Drones as a gendered matter of concern'
Energy Futures: Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life Associate Professor Karen Waltorp has edited the book Energy Futures. She contributed the chapter ‘Imagining energy futures beyond colonial continuation‘.
Newly appointed professor: Data science can save food research decades We can potentially save decades of food research by using data science to investigate where we have the greatest chance of finding the most significant results. It is a latent game changer when we want to convince…
MIAO wins two awards for best paper in 2022 The Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group, headed by Jakob Nordström in the Algorithm & Complexity Section at DIKU, has received two awards for their research on combinatorial optimization…
Student project grants 2022/2023 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut…
Gene targeting in cell lines Here we apply apply our expertise in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing to cell lines. We can now help you generating your new in vitro experimental system by knocking out your gene of interest, or introducing point…
BARC researcher secures EU funding in theoretical computer science Ass. professor Radu-Cristian Curticapean recieves 1.5 million Euro grant from the European Research Council to conduct research in the field of theoretical computer science
Roberta Sinatra in Northwestern University Panel on “Inequalities in Scientific Production” SODAS professor Roberta Sinatra will discuss “Inequalities in Scientific Production” in conversation with Jevin West, Cassidy Sugimoto, and Fariba Karimi in panel hosted by Northwestern University
UCPH researcher lauded for superb solution of algorithmic riddle from the 1950s Solving the riddle can reduce electric car battery consumption and make life tougher for currency speculators in the future. The discovery has just won the award for best research article and was honored at the field’s…
Open World Conference 10-11 Nov. 2022: Open Science and Global Dangers Marking the centenary of Niels Bohr’s Nobel Prize in physics, and the United Nations announcing 2022 as the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, we acknowledge Bohr’s vision of an open world
10 BARC papers accepted for SODA and SOSA 2023 Basic Algorithm Reasearch Copenhagen is represented at next year’s SODA and SOSA conferences to be held in Florence, Italy, January 22-25, 2023. In total 10 papers are accepted in relation to BARC members.