News about Quantum physics
Viser 121 til 144 af 334 dokumenter.

Clara Celeste Qvotrup

New invention keeps qubits of light stable at room temperature

Miren Lamaison Vidarte

Mikkel Thorbjørn Mikkelsen

Physics students train on IBM Quantum technology

Iñigo Lara Izcue

Carlos Fernando Duarte Faurby

Adam Søsted Knorr

Karsten Bjerrum Dideriksen

Mathias Jakob Rønne Staunstrup

Simon Refshauge Pabst

Two young researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants

Major breakthrough: Copenhagen researchers can now achieve 'quantum advantage'

Lasse Stampe Frølich

Caroline Munck Nielsen

Maria Skak Vestergaard Larsen

Freja Thilde Pedersen

Bastian Bakkensen

Physicists and chemists join forces to develop quantum simulators of the future

Albert Schliesser awarded fellowship at the Optical Society of America

Photon turnstile brings order to light

Rodrigo A. Thomas