News about Data
Viser 121 til 139 af 139 dokumenter.

BARC welcomes four new PhD students

See You Later Thick Data! Blog series on Anthrodendum

Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen will give talk as part of the AI seminar series

Creepy apps cause emotional stress

Creepy apps cause emotional stress

New data memo on YouTubes ban of Russian state media

Process-explicit models reveal the structure and dynamics of biodiversity patterns

Hologenomics viewed through a mathematical lens

Mette Birkedal Bruun speaks at the leadership retreat of the International Association of Privacy Professionals

Scientific advance leads to a new tool in the fight against hackers

New PhageClouds database makes genomic comparisons efficient

Sune Lehmann in the podcast TechProfilen

Researcher: Drop the notion that we can protect our own data

Artificial intelligence enhances efficacy of sleep disorder treatments

Project hopes to ensure trust between citizens and algorithms

New research project investigates: Can technology ensure a fair process for asylum seekers?

SODAS researchers to be part of team studying our social behavior during the Covid-19 epidemic