Newsletter January 2023 The overall goals of EliteOva have since the start on Dec 1, 2017, been to implement ultrasound-guided ovum pick up (OPU) as well as in vitro production (IVP) and genomic selection of embryos in Danish cattle breeding…
Contraception is the future of rat control University of Copenhagen researchers have gotten yeast cells to brew triptolide, a substance typically extracted from a rare Chinese plant. Their research makes it possible to control rats with the substance on a large…
Contraception is the future of rat control University of Copenhagen researchers have gotten yeast cells to brew triptolide, a substance typically extracted from a rare Chinese plant. Their research makes it possible to control rats with the substance on a large…
Ethicists’ commentary on fabricating the cause of death Ethical question of the month, November 2022 Veterinary pathologists regularly encounter numerous cases in which a diagnosis cannot be determined. In one such case, a healthy, indoor-only, 12-year-old, neutered male,…
Change in transfer and breeding instruction forms and reviewing the department’s SOPs Please read the information here.
Power shutdown at the Biocenter The power shutdown applies to the entire basement in building 2. It will affect ventilation and other installations in animal facility, including lights (electronic board 2.01.AB). If the shutdown gives rise to…
Mapping of initiatives to prevent inherited diseases and exaggerated phenotypes in dogs Report on initiatives to prevent inherited diseases and exaggerated phenotypes in dogs. Funded by the Danish Knowledge Centre for Animal Welfare, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
Construction work near the Biocenter - Test piloting performed The piloting will begin on Monday Janurary 30th, and it is expected to last approx. 10 working days. AEM is still in dialogue with the contractor, and should you experience any irregularities, you are very welcome to…
Construction work near the Biocenter - Test piloting As mentioned, the construction work involves driving 32 steel piles into the ground during the month of February. A meeting with the contractor and the Maintenance Department was held yesterday due our concern for the…
Danish milk consumers are critical of advanced breeding methods in dairy production Danish milk consumers are critical of advanced breeding methods in dairy production, but only 1 in 5 is unwilling to drink milk from dairy cows bred with semen derived from such methods Lund, T.B., Sandøe, P., Secher,…
Construction work near the Biocenter There is a risk that this type of construction work may be noisy and can sometimes produce low-frequency vibrations. For further details, please see the attached letter from the construction management (in Danish only).…
The Vetschool receives important accreditation: “It means everything!” The EAEVE accreditation is vital to the veterinary programme’s international collaborations and the existence of the animal hospitals. “Without it, too many doors would close on us,” says Professor Charlotte Reinhard…
Ethicists’ commentary on inappropriate home treatment Ethical question of the month, October 2022 You are an ambulatory veterinarian who offers occasional service to a remote community. There is a rescue agency in the com- munity that uses the pro bono or deeply discounted…
Human empathy makes us better at understanding animal sounds Those who do well on human empathy tests are also measurably better at decoding the emotional sounds of animals, according to a new study from the University of Copenhagen. Other aspects, such as age and work related to…
Gene targeting in cell lines Here we apply apply our expertise in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing to cell lines. We can now help you generating your new in vitro experimental system by knocking out your gene of interest, or introducing point…
Ethicists’ commentary on provision of emergency services with a shortage of staff Ethical question of the month, September 2022 Canada is facing a serious shortage of veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Recently, small animal emergency clinics have started closing overnight and weekends in some…
Learning how to grow super mushrooms, with termites as teachers Termites have cultivated and eaten them for 30 million years. This incredible mushroom has more protein than chicken, soy and corn, but has yet to be grown by humans. By imitating termites, scientists at the University…
All project plans are valid for two years after which they must be renewed All project plans beginning with a P- or A-number lower than these will be invalid, which means that you cannot order animals or begin a new experiment. Therefore, if your project plan will or has expired, you need to…
Webinar with Associate Professor Nick Bell, University of Nottingham, UK. in the network for health and biosecurity under the Danish cattle research coordination committee, we were pleased to have held an open webinar, which can be seen on video.
Opportunities and Challenges in Applying the 3Rs to Zoos and Aquariums This paper analyses opportunities and challenges for each of the three Rs when applied to animals housed in zoos and aquariums.
Will the use of domesticated animals in rewilding projects compromise animal welfare? Based on a survey of public media in Denmark, this paper identifies different animal welfare issues relating to rewilding projects.
A transnational study on veterinarians’ recommendations concerning radiotherapy in dogs and cats with cancer Using an online questionnaire (N=636), we investigated what treatment Austrian, Danish and UK veterinarians would recommend for a cat and a dog in a disease scenario where adjunctive radiotherapy would be optimal.