CERTIZENS first MA graduate, Moses Muluba, researched birth registration in Eastern Uganda Moses Muluba (CERTIZENS Uganda) shares insights from his MA thesis on ‘Unfolding diverse citizen response to birth registration in Iganga district, Uganda (1904-2021)'. He was the first to graduate in December 2023 out…
Anja Simonsen has co-written an article on ‘affective solidarity’ and the search for ransom in the global Somali community CGC researcher, Anja Simonsen, has co-written an article with Mohamed S. Tarabi on how recent migration trends among the Somali youth and the rise of the migrant smuggling network, in Somali known as Magafe, have…
Logic of the Apartheid State In a podcast episode by DR, Associate Professor Stig Jensen helps listeners understand the complexities of apartheid. With the recent escalation in the conflict in Israel and Palestine more people are beginning to align…
FutureArcticLives fejlciteret i KNR FutureArcticLives understreger, at forskergruppen på intet tidspunkt har sagt, at "fiskerolovforslaget var lige til at skylle ud i havet", som KNR skriver i en artikel fra januar 2024.
New geological study: Scandinavia was born in Greenland The oldest Scandinavian bedrock was 'born' in Greenland according to a new geological study from the University of Copenhagen. The study helps us understand the origin of continents and why Earth is the only planet in…
Multi-level and multi-stakeholder participation in policy processes to address climate change challenges Read the reflections by the Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP) posted on LinkedIn after participating in the RUL4CLI workshop (24.1 2024) on stakeholder participation and engagement in policy processes related to…
PRIVACY Core Scholar behind new project exploring multiple waterscapes in Ghana With support from DANIDA, a new project based at the Centre of African Studies at the University of Copenhagen is investigating how poorer residents in different parts of Ghana’s second largest city, Kumasi, access clea…
New project explores multiple waterscapes in Ghana With support from DANIDA, a new project based at the Centre of African Studies at the University of Copenhagen is investigating how poorer residents in different parts of Ghana’s second largest city, Kumasi, access clea…
Dorothy Antwi Boasiako is a new PhD student at the Centre of African Studies Dorothy graduated from the Centre of African Studies at the University of Copenhagen in 2021 where she wrote her thesis on displacement and the construction, negotiation and navigation of masculinity of migrant Ghanaian…
New anthropological projects explore African climate and energy challenges With support from DANIDA, two projects based at the Department of Anthropology are investigating climate and energy challenges in South Africa and Burkina Faso.
New paper on flood risk reduction and resilient city growth Peripheral "auto-constructed" neighborhoods such as Santa Maria are often neglected by planning officials and currently facing unregulated urbanization and increasing flood risk
DISTRACT research note: "Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online" In March 2023, DISTRACT researchers Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, Tobias Gårdhus & Jonas Toubøl published the research note "Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online" in European Societies.
Africa Cup of Nations: Politics and Power Buster Kirchner, a student at the Centre of African Studies, has recently participated in a podcast titled ‘Field of Dreams: the politics and power of the Africa Cup of Nations’ produced by the Nordic Africa Institute.…
Cultural exchange At VOLT, we have 16 different nationalities and we love to learn from and celebrate all the different cultures - and that usually includes food! This month, we have two major celebrations: the Chinese New Year and…
Exploring the impacts of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience This paper provides insights into the ongoing research and findings of the LINKS project, which focuses on the application of SMCS technologies in disasters. Indeed, the overall objective of LINKS is strengthening the…
Muslim Political Dissent in Coastal East Africa Visiting researcher and former Marie Curie Fellow at the Centre of African Studies Hans Olsson, has recently published a co-authored article in the Journal of Eastern African Studies titled ‘Muslim political dissent in…
Anja Simonsen has co-edited a podcast series on ethnic minorities' encounters with the Danish health care system CGC researcher, Anja Simonsen, has co-edited the podcast series on ethnic minorities' encounters with the Danish health care system (U)lige adgang for alle – Etniske minoriteters møder med den danske velfærdsstat.
Karen Lauterbach new member of the Editorial Advisory Board of The Journal of Modern African Studies The Journal of Modern African Studies is published by Cambridge University Press.
Russia in Africa: Debate Associate Professor, Stig Jensen, will be partaking in a panel debate about the Russia’s influence in Africa and the recent military coups in the Sahel region. The debate will also focus on the Wagner group’s activities…
Development economists to conduct climate-related research in five new projects The UCPH-DERG research group under the Department of Economics has received funding for five new projects, all centred around climate and environmental issues. Read here about the projects and the expected results.
New study reports that Greenland is a methane sink rather than a source Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that the methane uptake in dry landscapes exceeds methane emissions from wet areas across the ice-free part of Greenland. The results of the new study contribut…
South Africa takes Israel to Court Lately, there has been significant media coverage in connection with South Africa's court case against Israel before the International Court of Justice. Associate Professor Stig Jensen has been in the media with analysi…
When a Hidden Abortion is better than a Visible Pregnancy Hamida Massaquoi, a PhD student at CAS, has published an article in TEOL information at Copenhagen University. The article titled ‘When a secret abortion is better than a visible pregnancy’, delves into the complicated…