News about Physics
Viser 1105 til 1128 af 1380 dokumenter.

Ida Margrethe Ringgaard

New Danish telescope for researching stars and Earth-like exoplanets

Comet headed for Mars

Charles Marcus receives American research prize

Rising sea levels of 1.8 meters in worst-case scenario

Over 12 million kroner to two researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute

Martin Sparre

Xue Li

CERN turns 60 and celebrates peaceful collaboration for science

Antje Fitzner

Timmi Grosen Jørgensen

Mikkel Stockmann

Peter Ditlevsen receives EU grant to research abrupt climate change

Turid Lakså

Sarah Massalkhi

Past temperature in Greenland adjusted

Hjalte Axel Frellesvig

Lotte Ansgaard Thomsen

Breakthrough in light sources for new quantum technology

Frederik C.A. Kerling

Congratulations to three PhD candidates

Martin R. Henriksen