News about History
Viser 73 til 96 af 201 dokumenter.

100 forhistoriske skeletter viser, hvordan Danmark blev et landbrugsland

Marcia Tiemi Saito visiting from Brazil

New PRIVACY book: Privacy at Sea - Practices, Spaces and Communication in Maritime History

Gabriëlle La Croix’s Semester Abroad in Pittsburgh, USA

Centre director Mette Birkedal Bruun in the podcast ‘Videnskab fra vilde hjerner’

ITSS Postdoctoral Fellow Gives Keynote Speech

Call for Papers: Small Islands, Proximity, and Connection in the Eastern Caribbean

Call for Papers: Inter-Island Connections in the Lesser Antilles, 1650-1850

Florentine's Letters: Grief, Sorrow, and Love from Martinique to Dominica

New Publication: History and Public Debates about Racial Slavery in Denmark

Commemorative Lecture by Centre Director Mette Birkedal Bruun

Brazilian research delegation visited the Centre for Privacy Studies

New Publication: Together in a Small Boat

ITSS Team Finishes Data Entry for Marronage Database

PRIVACY-researcher Asta Mønsted contributed to the Venice Biennale of Architecture

The library turns 240 years old

Copenhagen Conversations – On Time

Nuno Grancho gave a conference paper at Harvard, MIT and Brown Universities

New book about architect Lauritz de Thurah

PRIVACY-postdoc Sanne Maekelberg in new job at KU Leuven

Rasmus Christensen's Semester Abroad in Växjö, Sweden

PRIVACY welcomes new guest PhD Fellow Taís Giacomini Tomazi