Nuno Grancho gave a conference paper at Harvard, MIT and Brown Universities Nuno Grancho presented his research at the Conference of the Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture (HECAA) that took place at Harvard, MIT and Brown Universities, USA.
New book about architect Lauritz de Thurah Peter Thule Kristensen, core scholar at Centre for Privacy Studies and professor at the Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation, is the editor of a new impressive monograph about the life and work of…
PRIVACY-postdoc Sanne Maekelberg in new job at KU Leuven Postdoctoral researcher at Centre for Privacy Studies, Sanne Maekelberg recently started a new job at KU Leuven. For the past three years, Sanne has worked at PRIVACY and enriched us with her expertise in architectural…
Rasmus Christensen's Semester Abroad in Växjö, Sweden ITSS PhD Fellow, Rasmus Christensen, has recently returned from his semester abroad at Linnaeus University. Find out what he got up to!
PRIVACY welcomes new guest PhD Fellow Taís Giacomini Tomazi We are happy to welcome our newest guest researcher Taís Giacomini Tomazi Taís has a degree in History from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), a master's degree in History from the Post Graduate Program of…
New PRIVACY book: Private Life and Privacy in the Early Modern Low Countries Ineke Huysman and former Privacy researcher and colleague Michael Green edited the book. The book contains PRIVACY contributions by Sanne Maekelberg, Natacha Klein Käfer, Jelena Bakić and Michael Green.
New Publication: An Eighteenth Century Account of St. Croix, USVI ITSS Phd Fellow Rasmus Christensen has published a Danish-language article in the journal Danske Magazin.
New Publication: Dutch Creole Texts from the Virgin Islands ITSS Phd Fellow Rasmus Christensen has co-authored an article about newly discovered Dutch Creole texts from the former Danish West Indies.
New Publication: Rumours in the Lesser Antilles ITSS Postdoctoral Fellow Felicia Fricke has published an article in the New West Indian Guide. Click to access the article and the associated press release in NOW Grenada!
Official CULTMIND launch 12 September On Tuesday 12 September, Centre for Culture and the Mind (CULTMIND), the Danish National Research Foundation’s new Centre of Excellence, was officially opened with a festive reception at the Faculty of Humanities.
Privacy-researcher Asta Mønsted presenting Arctic archaeological perspectives on the starry sky at Dark Sky Festival Postdoctoral researcher in prehistoric archaeology at Centre for Privacy Studies, Asta Mønsted, presented at a seminar at the Dark Sky Festival in Tårup, Denmark, in the beginning of September 2023. Asta is specialized…
New honorary doctors change our view of the past At the university's traditional annual celebration, Årsfesten, in November, the new honorary doctors at UCPH are appointed. This year, the Faculty of Humanities is appointing two of the 11 new honorary doctors.
PhD scholarship at The Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies (3 years) Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY), funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and based in Copenhagen, invites applications for two fully funded PhD positions within the fields of Church History, Legal…
PhD scholarships at the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies (3 years) Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY), funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and based in Copenhagen, invites applications for two fully funded PhD positions within the fields of Church History, Legal…
2.900 år gammel mursten gemte på DNA fra oldtiden I et nyt studie i Scientific Reports viser forskere, at det er muligt at udtrække forhistorisk DNA af en 2.900 år gammel mursten. Den nye analysemetode vil kunne give klimaforskere, biologer og arkæologer et unikt…
ITSS PhD Fellows Prepare for Semester Abroad Gabriëlle La Croix and Rasmus Christensen will spend the autumn semester abroad as part of their PhD training.
WORKING PAPER 6: A Littoral and Men: Sharing Fishing Resources in 18th Century Martinique In this post, IN THE SAME SEA Student Assistant Lucas Marin (Université des Antilles) describes colonial attempts to control fishing on Martinique in the 18th century.
Privacy Scholar Oskar Jacek Rojewski guest edits The Court Historian Art historian and PRIVACY scholar Oskar Jacek Rojewski has guest edited the newest volume of The Court Historian. We sat down with Oskar to discuss the benefits of bringing together privacy and court studies. Oskar…
Photo by Nuno Grancho selected for Danish National Research Foundation exhibition “Woman at the Governor’s house, Tranquebar, India, 2023” © Nuno Grancho About the photo: The photo brings together practices and negotiations of privacy in the architectural and urban space of the Danish colonial city…
Legends of Norse Settlers drove Denmark towards Greenland The Danish colonisation of Greenland in the 18th century was in part driven by the desire to re-establish contact with early Norse settlers that vanished from the island in the course of the 15th century. Legends about…
Interview with Professor Sarah Igo Mette Birkedal Bruun and Sarah Igo Professor of History at Vanderbilt College of Arts and Science, Sarah Igo visited Centre for Privacy Studies in May 2023. She gave a lecture on the U.S. Social Security number and ho…
Disseminating historical research of Copenhagen The newly launched app Hidden Copenhagen takes you on an innovative living history trail through Copenhagen. The trail tells a powerful story of murder, execution and anatomical dissection in the seventeenth century.…
Centennial Conference “Crossing the Disciplinary Boundaries of Physics” A Centennial Conference celebrating the centenaries of the Niels Bohr Institute (founded in 1921) and Niels Bohr’s Nobel Prize in Physics (awarded to him in 1922) will take place in Copenhagen from 7–11 August 2023
Historians in conversation - podcast episode with Mette Birkedal Bruun out now In this podcast, Michael Green, University of Lodz, Faculty of Philosophy and History, explores how historians build their careers, what motivates them and how they deal with professional and personal challenges. What…