Protein paves the way for correct stem cell differentiation Researchers from BRIC, University of Copenhagen, gain new insight into the molecular switches controlling stem cell differentation.
Researchers find gene that turns up effect of chemotherapy Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for cancer patients. New research from BRIC and Center for Healthy Aging have now found a way to turn up the effect of chemotherapy.
Researchers prevent cancer spread by blocking tissue scarring New research findings on fibrosis and cancer metastasis from Associate Professor Janine Erler's laboratory at BRIC
Small molecules can starve cancer cells Researchers from BRIC have found that a small molecule in our cells can block autophagy in cancer cells making them more sensitive for treatment.
New discovery can improve breast cancer treatment BRIC researchers have elucidated BRCA2 function - the new knowledge can improve breast cancer therapy.
The TET1 enzyme steers us through fetal development and fights cancer To ensure normal fetal development and prevent disease, it is crucial that certain genes are on or off in the right time intervals. Researchers in Professor Kristian Helin's group at BRIC and Centre for Epigenetics,…