Second project workshop in Copenhagen In June 2023, the project team from Ghana, Burkina Faso, UK and Denmark met in Copenhagen for a week of meetings, presentations and workshops.
Thomas Sahl Christensen Title: Low Temperature AC Susceptibility of the Frustrated Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Kagomé System Herbertsmithite Supervisor: Kim Lefmann
Villum Foundation supports bold ideas Three researchers receive grants from the Villum Experiment. All projects are meant to push the boundaries of research and lead to breakthroughs.
Bioengineered carbon sequestration: exploiting enzymes to enhance direct air capture of CO2 by microalgae Microalgae consume CO2 and convert it by photosynthesis into biomass and useful bioproducts. How can we optimize their ability to capture CO2 directly from the air?
Brain-altering parasite turns ants into zombies at dawn and dusk It takes over the brains of ants, causing them to cling to the tops of blades of grass where they can be eaten by cattle and deer. The common liver fluke has an exceptional life cycle as it moves through snails, ants an…
Brain-altering parasite turns ants into zombies at dawn and dusk It takes over the brains of ants, causing them to cling to the tops of blades of grass where they can be eaten by cattle and deer. The common liver fluke has an exceptional life cycle as it moves through snails, ants an…
Distinguished Wigner Lecture Vitor was a Distinguished Lecturer at the Wigner 121 Scientific Symposium, and talked about the gravitational wave revolution and new, powerful tests of General Relativity and black hole physics. The Wigner Research…
Toxic effects of high O2 in microalgae and cyanobacteria Why does O2 inhibit photosynthesis and what can we do about it?
Why does CO2 inhibit photosynthetic microbes? Photosynthetic organisms usually struggle to get enough CO2 for photosynthesis, but too much CO2 appears to choke the organisms for unknown reasons that we wish to explore
Willingness-to-pay for reduced carbon footprint and other sustainability concerns relating to pork production In this 2022 questionnaire-based study, we investigated willingness-to-pay for more sustainable pork among consumers in Denmark, Germany, the UK and Shanghai, China.
Two Former CPR Post-Docs Awarded Prestigious ERC Starting Grants ERC Starting Grants are awarded each year to exceptional early-career scientists. In 2023 there are two former CPR post-docs on the list.
Rasmus Damgaard Nielsen Title: Massively parallel simulation of dusty protostellar systems Supervisors: Troels Haugbølle, Åke Nordlund
Six of nine planetary boundaries exceeded New study led by Professor Katherine Richardson updates the Planetary Boundary framework and shows human activities are increasingly impacting the planet.
Six of nine planetary boundaries now exceeded New study led by Professor Katherine Richardson updates the Planetary Boundary framework and shows human activities are increasingly impacting the planet.
Disguised as tree bark and another species: Newly discovered gecko is a master of disguise An international team of scientific researchers, among them a University of Copenhagen herpetologist, has discovered a new gecko species in Madagascar that resembles tree bark during the day and had been mistaken for a…
Flood adaptation in Glefe New Master Thesis explores explores adaptation strategies, challenges, and possibilities for future development
Methods diversity in social data science On the 13th of September 2023, Kristoffer Albris gave a presentation about Methods Diversity in Social Data Science to a group of data scientists at the danish company LEGO. The talk included a number of examples of…
test news Galakser der skygger for lyset Hvis en galakse tilfældigvis ligger langs sigtelinjen mod en fjernere, klar lyskilde, vil galaksen “skygge” for lyskilden og absorbere noget af dens lys. Denne absorption skyldes de gas- o…
Scientists warn: The Earth's 'blood pressure' is too high A new study updates the planetary boundary framework and shows human activities are increasingly impacting the planet and, thereby, increasing the risk of triggering dramatic changes in overall Earth conditions.
A galaxy group in the early Universe Contrary to typical observations, the galaxy was discovered not by the light it emits, but by the light it absorbs. The galaxy itself evades observations, but has at least one nearby companion.
Scientific language cannot be tested solely with pen and paper Science is not merely a collection of terms and formulas but a practice. Assessing children's knowledge of science through pen-and-paper tests only evaluates a limited portion of what they know, says researcher.
Nature draws the hunters out and the leases up The possibility of shooting game is neither what primarily drives hunters out nor the hunting lease price up. The biggest factors, on the other hand, are associated with outdoor recreation, camaraderie and location,…
Three new projects for CILG researchers at the Crown Princess Mary Centre Five new projects have been selected this year by the Crown Princess Mary Centre. CILG researchers are part of three out of five of these projects.