Languages on the Agenda – Sprog på dagsordenen, CIP releases new book New volume: Languages on the Agenda – Sprog på dagsordenen, of the CIP series Studies in Parallel Language use.
Ministry of Digital Affairs grants a total of 30.7 Million to ambitious Danish language model project The University of Copenhagen, together with the University of Southern Denmark, Aarhus University, and the Alexandra Institute, has received a total of 30.7 million kroner from the Ministry of Digitalisation to establis…
Sociologist to investigate Nordic integration policies A new research project will explore how different policies have affected the integration of immigrants in three Nordic countries. The project is run by researchers from Norway, Sweden, and UCPH professor of sociology…
Correcting misperceptions about ethno-racial discrimination Prof Dr. Merlin Schaeffer has published an article which tackles the issues of minority ethnic groups in Denmark.
Employees have had access to personal data they should not have had access to The University of Copenhagen regrets to announce that groups of employees have had too wide access to personal data for a number of years. The case is still under investigation, but there are no indications of personal…
Johan received the Innovation Award 2024: "It's about finding the right people to work with" Johan Andersen-Ranberg from Plant Biochemistry was honored at the University of Copenhagen's Annual Commemoration for his work on contraceptive-based rat control. Here, he shares his journey from research to business.
Students' Use of AI in Academic Writing, New Podcast Episode Listen to CIP's podcast about students' use of generative AI (GAI) in relation to their studies in the podcast series Language Use at KU .
Fermented seaweed found to boost gut health and immunity in Atlantic Salmon A new study has found that fermented sugar kelp can enhance gut health and immunity in Atlantic salmon, offering a sustainable solution to boost fish welfare in a growing aquaculture industry.
Head of Department is the new Dean of SCIENCE On 1 January, Professor Bo Jellesmark Thorsen will take over from Dean Katrine Krogh Andersen, who has headed the Faculty of Science since 1 January 2020.
Ken Friis Larsen appointed as acting Head of Department at the Department of Computer Science On 1 January 2025, Jakob Grue Simonsen will start as pro-rector at the IT University af Copenhagen (ITU) after 3.5 years as Head of Department at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU). Until a new head of department…
Thomas Jensen er årets bedste forelæser Thomas’ kursusevalueringer placerer ham i den bedste evalueringskategori, A-fag, som kun 10% af de udbudte fag på Økonomi ligger i.
Ny strategi: Danmark skal styrkes som rumnation By Marianne Thellersen, Executive Vice President for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at DTU, Lone Ryg Olsen, Business Director at Aarhus University and Andreas Blohm Graversen, Deputy Director for Innovation and Externa…
Two communication researchers receive the Tietgen Award 2024 Sofie Flensburg and Signe Sophus Lai, from the Center for Tracking and Society, are the recipients of the 2024 Tietgen Prize.
Economist wants to shed light on corporate waste How is a company's waste production and recycling affected by owners, managers, employees and lenders? Professor Morten Bennedsen will investigate this in a new project supported by Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Funding for green research Independent Research Fund Denmark has just distributed thematic funds for "Free Green Research". Out of 333 applications, 42 ground-breaking projects were granted support - 3 of these at the Department of Biology: …
Funding for research into quinoa and brain health in the elderly The Independent Research Fund Denmark supports two projects at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences focussing on green research and the elderly.
IARU intern INTERSECT have been awarded one of the coveted International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) internships and among many highly qualified candidates we have selected Ana Waqar from University of Tokyo.
Odense: Multicomponent drugs: co-crystals, co-amorphous & deep eutectic systems The meeting hosted by prof. Annette Bauer-BrandlDrug Delivery & Research Group, Dept. of Physics Chemistry and Pharmacy, is meant to introduce differences and similarities, as well as general advantages and disadvantage…
Inclusive Cities workshop in Heidelberg On 12-14 November representatives from the University of Warsaw, Sorbonne University, University of Geneve and University of Copenhagen gathered for the second workshop of the Inclusive Cities project – a seed funding…
New insights into hologenomics research in wild vertebrates In a new technical paper just published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, researchers highlight the potential of hologenomics to deepen our understanding of biological systems from a host-microbiota perspective.…