Sebastian Gjessing The regulatory framework for shipping decarbonisation at the international and EU levels
Christian Tversted The EU ETS - An analysis of the draft amendment of the EU 2019/1122 registry regulation proposal in art 81 on introducing registry fee on behalf on the Commission
Signe Weibye Berg and Kristine Mandrup Stealing Wind: How to regulate shared off-shore wind resources
William Pickering The Efficacy of REDD+ as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy and its Effect on Indigenous Peoples
New study: Pig welfare outweighs climate concerns for consumers Consumers would rather pay more for higher-welfare pork than for pork with a reduced climate footprint. Politicians and the pork industry can learn from the result, according to the researchers behind the University of…
Uncovering natures lessons in plant-root microbiome co-evolution Associate Professor Christopher Barnes has secured a Villum Young Investigator grant for his ambitious research project aimed at unravelling the mysteries of the co-evolution between plants and their root microbiomes. A…
CEPRI publishes Special Issue on ’Private enforcement of climate and sustainability requirements’ CEPRI publishes Special Issue on ’Private enforcement of climate and sustainability requirements’. It contains 9 articles which analyse the proposal for the new Corporate Sustainabilty Due Diligence EU Directive.
A delicious surprise: Vertically farmed greens taste as good as organic ones Consumer skepticism about the taste of vertically farmed greens is widespread. But the first scientific taste test from the University of Copenhagen and Plant Food & Research, New Zealand shows that respondents rate…
Alessandro Galli Alessandro Galli is LLM candidate in Law at the University of Milan. His master thesis research focuses on the role of the State aid as a potential tool for the protection of the environment, the development of renewabl…
Call for Abstracts – InterAct Conference International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change The Center for Climate Change Law and Governance (CLIMA) at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen welcomes proposals for paper presentations for the conference ‘International law-making: Actors in shipping and…
Call for Abstracts - Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on Climate, Energy and Sustainability: Oceans Special Edition The Center for Climate Change Law and Governance (CLIMA) and the Copenhagen Ocean Hub are organizing a special edition of the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Climate, Energy and Sustainability with a focus on oceans. The…
Fighting for Biodiversity in Africa In an article published in Danish Journal Udenrigs, Associate Professor Stig Jensen, details the fight for biodiversity in Africa. With an increasing threat of extinction to multiple animal species on the continent,…
COP28 - Africa In a recent episode of Danish Radio P1 Orientering Udsyn, Associate Professor Stig Jensen talks about the first African Climate Summit and Africa’s position related to the COP 28 meeting. The African agenda focusing on…
Critique of Denmark's Poor Listening Skills Towards Africa's Climate Goals In an article for Altinget, Associate Professor Stig Jensen together with Rune Larsen, points out the hypocrisy of Denmark’s climate initiatives. Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan…
Dissemination and Outreach Workshop Report is now available Stakeholders, including researchers, community leaders, local political interest groups, and planners, discussed the project's findings
Eirik Finserås Eiriks research is related to a comparative assessment of national licensing procedures for offshore wind in the North Sea Basin. Currently entitled `A Comparative Legal Analysis of North Sea Offshore Wind Licensing…
A delicious surprise: Vertically farmed greens taste as good as organic ones But the first scientific taste test from the University of Copenhagen and Plant Food & Research, New Zealand shows that respondents rate greens grown vertically and without soil as just as good as organic ones.
Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar vulnerable to underreported extreme heat would not have occurred without climate change Researchers Nick Baumgard and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health join their peers in this new study (featured on the Guardian) titled "Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar highly vulnerable to…
Danish researchers puncture 100-year-old theory of odd little 'water balloons' Quinoa and many other extremely resilient plants are covered with strange balloon-like 'bladders' that for 127 years were believed to be responsible for protecting them from drought and salt. Research results from the…
Danish researchers puncture 100-year-old theory of odd little 'water balloons' Quinoa and many other extremely resilient plants are covered with strange balloon-like 'bladders' that for 127 years were believed to be responsible for protecting them from drought and salt. Research results from the…