SAPIENS Network Final Conference Discover the key takeaways from the SAPIENS Network's final conference on sustainability and procurement.
New postdoctoral fellow at CeBIL – Peter Davis We are excited to welcome Dr Peter Davis to the International Center for Bioscience Innovation Law (Inter-CeBIL) as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Peter is a legal scholar in information communication technology (ICT) law,…
International Law Breakfast Briefings – Fall 2024 Thursdays from 8:45 to 9:45 am Hybrid venue: Zoom and Meeting room 6B-4-04, Faculty of Law, Njalsgade 76, 2300 Copenhagen S (except 26 September where the venue will be 6A-2-40). The ‘International Law Breakfast…
New postdoctoral fellow at CeBIL – Laura Valtere We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Laura Valtere, LL.M. Eur., as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Center for Bioscience Innovation Law (Inter-CeBIL). Laura brings with her an impressive wealt…
New research assistant at CeBIL – Katarina Foss-Solbrekk Katarina is a PhD candidate in Law at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on pharmaceutical patent law, with the aim of ensuring timely and affordable access to generic/biosimilar drugs. Her DPhil is funded b…
New Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow: Amalie Weinrich From September 1st, Amalie Weinrich joins MOBILE as the new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow.
Call for applications: Scholarships for master students MOBILE is now accepting project proposals from full time master students who would like to write their thesis in collaboration with the center and work with large datasets of asylum case files.
New CEPRI/SHOC publication: Carbon-Free Shipping and Shipping Carbon A new book on the green transition in the maritime sector is now on the market!
New CEPRI/SHOC publication: Carbon-Free Shipping and Shipping Carbon A new book on the green transition in the maritime sector is now on the market!
New Visiting Reseacher at MOBILE - Alice Fill Alice Fill is visiting MOBILE between September 1st to October 15th.
Interview with Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen in Science Report “Science report” published an interview with Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen for their series "Mit største forskermøde".
Romain Chuffart Romain Chuffart is the Nansen Professor in Arctic Studies (2024 and 2025) at the University of Akureyri in Iceland where he specializes in the rights of Indigenous peoples, international human rights law, international…
New researcher at CLIMA - Meng Zhang CLIMA is thrilled to share that as of August 1, 2024, Dr. Meng Zhang has joined the Centre for Climate Change Law and Governance (CLIMA) as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Meng works on the project “Regulatory Innovation to…
"What limits your freedom?": Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen on podcast "Videnskab fra vilde hjerner" Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen was a guest in the podcast series “Videnskab fra vilde hjerner”, published last week, on the question of "What limits your freedom?".
New Blog Post about the Conference The organizers of the Computer, Privacy, Data Protection Conference ( had invited PRIVACY to host a workshop at this year’s conference in Brussels May 21-24. The delegation from PRIVACY included Centre Directo…