Call for papers: History Teaching and Public Memory of Recent Past. Experiences and perspectives from South East Europe Call for papers for workshop in Podgorica, Montenegro, 16-17 October 2024.
Justice Beyond Time, Place, and Law Place: Onzième Lieu, Paris Programme 14:00-15:30 – Session 1 Forms of and Fora for Accountability Contributors: Mohammed Bassiki, Garance le Caisne, Mazen Darwish Chaired by Cecile Boex During the revolution and war in…
Women’s Private Practices of Knowledge Production in Early Modern Europe New PRIVACY open access book
New guest researcher - Teresa Göltl A PhD student from the University of Heidelberg joins ITSS this month as a guest. We're excited to welcome her to the team!
Heather Freund's Visit to the Boston Archives ITSS Postdoctoral Fellow Heather Freund visited the Massachusetts Historical Society in December 2023. Here you can read about what she found.
New season of the Privacy Studies Podcast The first episodes of the newest and fifth season of the centre’s very own Privacy Studies Podcast have been published. Listen to the podcast here on our website. The new season follows the discussions of the symposium…
Sari Nauman awarded the honourable Birger Karlsson’s Science Prize 2023 The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg has awarded PRIVACY Scholar Sari Nauman the honourable Birger Karlsson’s Science Prize 2023.
New student assistant - Kamma Ofelia Strøm Meet our new team member! She is interested in social movements and political history.
Fabio Gigone awarded a Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowship Our colleague Fabio Gigone received a Carlsberg Foundation Internationalisation Fellowship. We have interviewed him about his new project. Fabio Gigone You recently successfully defended your PhD at the Centre fo…
Call for Papers: Imagining Emancipation in the Atlantic World, 1750-1888 The Steering Committee invites abstracts of not more than 250 words by Friday 1st March 2024.
From Margrethe to Frederik: Danish history as told by royal lines A new chapter of Danish history was written Sunday, 14 January 2024 with the succession of the new king. A manuscript from around 1600 follows the succession of Danish kings from the legendary Dan up to Christian III.
Artificial Intelligence and Privacy: Causes for Concern. Video from the PRIVACY Challenge Seminar with Mateusz Jurewicz. Video from the PRIVACY Challenge Seminar with Mateusz Jurewicz now available.
100 forhistoriske skeletter viser, hvordan Danmark blev et landbrugsland Genetiske undersøgelser af 100 skeletter fra Danmarks fortid dokumenterer, at landbruget blev indført for 5.900 år siden, da agerdyrkere vandrede ind i landet sydfra og udkonkurrerede den lokale jæger-samler-befolkning.…
Marcia Tiemi Saito visiting from Brazil Marcia Tiemi Saito (Federal Institute of Paraná, Brazil) will be a Guest Researcher at the Niels Bohr Archive from February 2024 to January 2025.
New PRIVACY book: Privacy at Sea - Practices, Spaces and Communication in Maritime History Privacy at Sea - Practices, Spaces and Communication in Maritime History is edited by PRIVACY Assistant Professor Natacha Klein Käfer and contains contributions by PRIVACY scholars.
Gabriëlle La Croix’s Semester Abroad in Pittsburgh, USA ITSS PhD Fellow, Gabriëlle La Croix, is coming to the end of her semester at the University of Pittsburgh. Find out what she's been up to!
Centre director Mette Birkedal Bruun in the podcast ‘Videnskab fra vilde hjerner’ Centre director Mette Birkedal Bruun was recently a guest in the Danish podcast Videnskab fra vilde hjerner (Science from Wild Minds) hosted by Professor of astrophysics at University of Copenhagen, Anja C. Andersen.…
ITSS Postdoctoral Fellow Gives Keynote Speech Felicia Fricke gave the keynote speech at this year's Reuvensdagen, the national archaeology conference of the Netherlands. Click to watch the recording.
Call for Papers: Small Islands, Proximity, and Connection in the Eastern Caribbean We invite proposals for a special issue on the history of the eastern Caribbean as shaped by the dynamics of small islands, proximity, and resource scarcity.
Call for Papers: Inter-Island Connections in the Lesser Antilles, 1650-1850 IN THE SAME SEA invites paper proposals for a workshop to be held at the University of Copenhagen, 25th-26th April 2024.
Florentine's Letters: Grief, Sorrow, and Love from Martinique to Dominica In this short blog post, ITSS PI Gunvor Simonsen discusses one enslaved woman's Lesser Antillean support network, expressed through letters written originally written in French or French Creole in 1818.
New Publication: History and Public Debates about Racial Slavery in Denmark ITSS PI Gunvor Simonsen has just published a chapter in the edited volume 'Cultural Heritage and Slavery: Perspectives from Europe' (DeGruyter, 2023).
Commemorative Lecture by Centre Director Mette Birkedal Bruun Mette Birkedal Bruun gave the lecture entitled: From Monks to GDPR
Brazilian research delegation visited the Centre for Privacy Studies The collaboration between the Centre for Privacy Studies and the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria brought a Brazilian research delegation to the Centre for Privacy Studies.