Welcome to new students Welcome to Copenhagen University Library, South Campus which is library for Humanities, Law and the IT University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen University Library has several campus libraries and students are welcome to us…
Historic grant will supply Denmark with the world's best science educators With excellent international research supported by DKK 125 milion from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark will teach us how to best delive…
Join the 21st International Medical Doctoral Conference November 20-22, 2024 It is now possible to register for the 21st international Medical Doctoral Conference held in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. The theme for this year’s conference is: "Empowering PhD research: New Challenges and…
Submit your film to Global Health Film Days Global health film makers are encouraged to submit their films now - either for programme selection or inclusion in the Global Health Film Database.
Are you writing your thesis this fall? At Copenhagen University Library, South Campus we can help you find relevant literature for your projects. We offer a one-hour personal session in information retrieval when you are about to write your BA-thesis or your…
“Scientists are a bit like artists, they are very passionate about what they do” Claudia Vitrani from Italy worked as a pianist and opera coach before she decided to make a career change. Now, Claudia is a laboratory technician for the Single-Cell Omics Platform (SCOP) at CBMR.
Following in parents' educational footsteps reaps financial rewards Lawyers, doctors and engineers who have studied in the same field as their parents have higher incomes than their colleagues, according to a new Danish study.
Andreas will unravel the pros and cons of intelligent learning tools Long has digitalisation been hitting the classroom – but what is the potential and are there hidden risks? Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen, Associate Professor at SODAS and the Department of Economics, will find out with the hel…
Economist unravelling the pros and cons of intelligent learning tools Long has digitalisation been hitting the classroom – but what is the potential and are there hidden risks? Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen, Associate Professor at SODAS and the Department of Economics, will find out with the hel…
Marina Carmona Fajardo Cand. scient. (Immunology and Inflammation), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Gaja Kobal Cand. scient. (immunology and inflammation), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Is international student mobility still a distinctive strategy? A study of upper milieu students in Germany Postdoc Gregor Schäfer has together with Professor Katharina Walgenbach from the FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany) published the new article "Is international student mobility still a distinctive strategy? A study of…
COBL Summer School for teachers kWidget.embed({ "targetId": "kaltura_player_1708985060", "wid": "_343", "uiconf_id": 23452387, "flashvars": {}, "cache_st": 1708985060, "entry_id": "0_7c5jp4h3" }); TUESDAY, 13 AUG: AI AND THE FUTURE OF…
Elias Hammer ur Skuoy M.Sc. (medicine), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
The IT Career Day 2024 - another succesful event The IT Career Day for Computer Science students and companies was held 3 May with big enthusiasm on both sides.