News about Digitization
Viser 49 til 72 af 83 dokumenter.

Panel discussion on digital dependencies at Tech Policy Days

Do you find work using an app or an online platform?

Modern blockchain technology to become our weapon in the green transition

Social dialogue in times of crisis

Digital disruption diversified—FinTechs and the emergence of a coopetitive market ecosystem

We are wasting up to 20 percent of our time on computer problems

Record-breaking attendance at the IT Career Day 2023

It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligencegence

SODAS professor discusses AI on the danish radio program Kulturen

Invitation to the inauguration of professor Morten Arendt Rasmussen

Newly appointed professor: Data science can save food research decades
SODAS researchers receive Carlsberg grant to develop the Ethnoplatform

Researcher: The future of learning technology is offline

Playing alone? Interest representation in the videogame industry in Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands

"I'll pay later!" – People promise the stars and moon to charities, but donations remain unsent

CPH Tech Policy Commitee

Research project will improve diagnostics and treatment of strokes with artificial intelligence

DIKU creates digital twins of the future

Faster knowledge of side effects via artificial intelligence

Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen will give talk as part of the AI seminar series

Creepy apps cause emotional stress

Creepy apps cause emotional stress