Brain-altering parasite turns ants into zombies at dawn and dusk It takes over the brains of ants, causing them to cling to the tops of blades of grass where they can be eaten by cattle and deer. The common liver fluke has an exceptional life cycle as it moves through snails, ants an…
Six of nine planetary boundaries exceeded New study led by Professor Katherine Richardson updates the Planetary Boundary framework and shows human activities are increasingly impacting the planet.
Six of nine planetary boundaries now exceeded New study led by Professor Katherine Richardson updates the Planetary Boundary framework and shows human activities are increasingly impacting the planet.
Three out of four populations of rare butterflies have been lost In just 26 years, the distribution of rare butterflies has plummeted by 72% in Eastern Denmark. Several species are threatened with extinction, yet the conservation actions aiming to safeguard species have proved…
Severe impact of past changes in climate and nutrient availability on a lowland tropical rainforest New study reveals a significant impact of past climate changes and nutrient availability on a lowland tropical rainforest.
Cotton buds reveal biodiversity in rainforests Cotton buds reveal biodiversity in rainforests. Read about a study from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Denmark is crawling with the world's most resilient creature They’re found on Mount Everest, in the deep seas, aboard the International Space Station and thousands of them have even crash landed and been spilled onto the moon. The microscopic water bear has a nearly unfathomable…
Denmark is crawling with the world's most resilient creature They’re found on Mount Everest, in the deep seas, aboard the International Space Station and thousands of them have even crash landed and been spilled onto the moon. The microscopic water bear has a nearly unfathomable…
Carsten Rahbek invited as speaker at Paris exhibition Professor Carsten Rahbek was invited by artist Danh Vo to give a talk on the biodiversity crisis as part of the Parisian exhibition Avant l’orage. The talk is now publicly available.
Scientists vacuum animal DNA from air in a Danish forest Over 60 animal species in three days. That is how many mammals, birds and amphibians researchers found DNA traces from in the air in a Danish forest. The results can pave the way for a new and innovative way of mapping…
Spaghetti-armed egghead strives to move people with facts Hans Henrik Bruun is an especially active voice of reason in public discourse about the present and future of Danish nature. Whenever engaging, he often greets strong emotions with facts. This year's recipient of…
Spaghetti-armed egghead strives to move people with facts Hans Henrik Bruun is an especially active voice of reason in public discourse about the present and future of Danish nature. Whenever engaging, he often greets strong emotions with facts. This year's recipient of…
Origins of up to 44 percent of Danish wood is a mystery In the first ever report of Denmark's total wood consumption, University of Copenhagen researchers conclude that the origin of nearly half of all timber felled in Denmark is a mystery. This is a problem according to the…
New Bachelor Student at UCPH NEW STAFF Joppe Schutte started as Bachelor Student in Associate Prof. Mette Nicolaisen's group. Read about his project here
Monthly seminars in FutureArcticLives FutureArcticLIves partners conduct monthly webinars around the 14th of each month, discussing preliminary results and other relevant subjects.
Nature’s future pharmacy in peril For thousands of years, people have relied on the healing properties of plants – in some places they are still the only freely available remedies to this day. Half of the drugs approved worldwide in the last four decade…
Nature’s future pharmacy in peril For thousands of years, people have relied on the healing properties of plants – in some places they are still the only freely available remedies to this day. Half of the drugs approved worldwide in the last four decade…
A time machine for anticipating bird diversity Genetic bird data shows patterns of trait diversity over the distant past and under a previous period of dramatic global climate warming. A new study identifies trait combinations and trait-sets associated with…
A time machine for anticipating bird diversity Genetic bird data shows patterns of trait diversity over the distant past and under a previous period of dramatic global climate warming. A new study identifies trait combinations and trait-sets associated with…
Denmark spearheading transformation of EU food system The University of Copenhagen is leading a comprehensive new EU project, CLEVERFOOD, that will facilitate a society-wide mobilisation of European citizens to transform the European food system that benefits climate goals…
CMEC researcher named Villum Young Investigator Assistant Professor Naia Morueta-Holme, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC), Globe Institute, receives grant from VILLUM FONDEN.
Sustainable labs are climate-friendly and save money More than 1,200 researchers and laboratory technicians are involved in a new programme that has led to more sustainable laboratories at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). It benefits the climate and creates green…
First local workshop and meet-up in Norway “Biodiversity and well-being implications of climate change for coastal Saami in Northern Norway” in Porsanger, Norway.
CMEC Research Retreat 2022 CMEC left the usual surroundings behind to go on the annual Research Retreat. This year, the destination was set for Spain for a week of dedicated focus on research themes, projects, and social networking.