Cross-country survey on digital disconnection habits On November 23rd, PhD student at DISTRACT Malene Hornstrup Jespersen presented plans for two upcoming survey projects at the online Digitox seminar series hosted by the University of Oslo. One project aims in part to…
"I'll pay later!" – People promise the stars and moon to charities, but donations remain unsent More than half of charitable giving via payment apps is "forgotten" as soon as a fundraiser leaves according to a new University of Copenhagen study. On the other hand, digital solutions make it easier to donate more…
New article in Mind by Søren Overgaard Søren Overgaard’s article “Backlighting and Occlusion” has been published in Mind.
Johan Sæverud on French television explaining about the Danish social security eligibility age. French president Emmanuel Macron proposed a gradual increase in the social security eligibility age from 62 to 65 in the Spring of 2022, but has faced severe opposition from both labor unions and his centrist alliance.…
DISTRACT participates in LSE workshop on attention DISTRACT was represented by several scholars at a workshop hosted by the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics entitled: "Attention: An Interdisciplinary Workshop" held on the 14th-15th of…
Are time preferences passed on to the next generation? If so, does the transmission persist or fade out as children age? How relevant is parenting as a device to counteract or strengthen the transmission of preferences from parents to children?
Kristoffer Balle Hvidberg interviewed on Radio4 about crime In the live afternoon show ”Missionen” on August 29 Kristoffer explained how preferences predict who commits crime among young men.
Physician-patient match matters Ida Lykke Kristiansen from CEBI and her co-author Sophie Yanying Sheng from University College San Diego have investigated the importance of the match between primary care physicians and patients.
Mundane normativity and the everyday handling of contested food consumption Professor Bente Halkier has contributed the article 'Mundane normativity and the everyday handling of contested food consumption' to the journal Consumption and Society. Much contemporary public debate focuses on food…
Torben Heien Nielsen keynote at IZA Workshop on Gender and Family Economics Severe illness and subsequent deaths are among the most devastating shocks households face and a major source of financial risk.
CEBI research about consumer spending during the COVID-19 lock-down covered in article in The New York Times and in Die Welt
How to manage the COVID-19 transition effectively Experts, including Robert Böhm from the Department of Psychology, propose "ten considerations" about how to manage the COVID-19 transition effectively in an article in Nature Human Behaviour.
Size does matter: People with longer thumbs mistype on their phones more often People with long thumbs have a tougher time hitting the right phone keys. According to a recent study from the University of Copenhagen, thumb length accounts for 12 percent of touch errors on smart phones.
Patient people are wealthier We document a strong association between patience and wealth inequality by linking experimental data from a large preference-elicitation experiment with administrative wealth records.
New online journal: Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality Social Interaction is a new online journal that publishes four annual issues of flexible size. Brian L. Due from CIRCD is editor along with Kristian Mortensen from the University of Southern Denmark.
Three new papers on blind people's everyday activities when navigating in public space Three new papers have been published by Brian Due and Simon Lange.
Become a part of a CIRCD project group CIRCD invites students and practitioners to be a part of research projects – including collecting data, transcribing, analysing and dissemination of results.
The first interdisciplinary meeting-conference CIRCD researchers Mie Femø Nilsen and Brian Due participated with paper presentations at the first international interdisciplinary conference on meetings: The Gothenburg Meeting Science Symposium. 23-24 May 2017.…
New research project: Video-mediated interaction, funded by the Velux Foundation Professor Mie Femø Nielsen, Centre for Interaction Research and Communication Design (CIRCD), has obtained funding for a project on Video-mediated interaction that explores the professional use of video-mediated…
New textbook: Journalist trainee - by Gitte Gravengaard and Lene Rimestad The textbook Journalist trainee (Journalist i praktik) by Gitte Gravengaard and Lene Rimestad (2015) is a thorough introduction to the life of journalist trainees.
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