News about Behaviour
Viser 49 til 71 af 71 dokumenter.

Student project grants 2022/2023

Cross-country survey on digital disconnection habits

"I'll pay later!" – People promise the stars and moon to charities, but donations remain unsent

New article in Mind by Søren Overgaard

Johan Sæverud on French television explaining about the Danish social security eligibility age.

DISTRACT participates in LSE workshop on attention

Are time preferences passed on to the next generation?

Kristoffer Balle Hvidberg interviewed on Radio4 about crime

Physician-patient match matters

Mundane normativity and the everyday handling of contested food consumption

Torben Heien Nielsen keynote at IZA Workshop on Gender and Family Economics

CEBI research about consumer spending during the COVID-19 lock-down

How to manage the COVID-19 transition effectively

Size does matter: People with longer thumbs mistype on their phones more often

Patient people are wealthier

New online journal: Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality

Three new papers on blind people's everyday activities when navigating in public space

Become a part of a CIRCD project group

The first interdisciplinary meeting-conference

New research project: Video-mediated interaction, funded by the Velux Foundation

New textbook: Journalist trainee - by Gitte Gravengaard and Lene Rimestad