Vale Palle Serup It is with great sorrow that we announce the loss of our dear friend, colleague, and mentor, Palle Serup. Just before Christmas, Palle passed away peacefully after a prolonged battle with metastatic cancer.
Pioneering project to capture life in the stomach A new two-year research project aims to explore the evolution of Helicobacter bacteria spanning 2 million years and a diverse array of host species. The study will investigate the important correlation between…
CMS Researcher Tobias Liebetrau publishes new article in Journal of Cyber Policy Researcher at CMS, Tobias Liebetrau, has co-authored a newly published article in the Journal of Cyber Policy entitled: “Cybersecurity and the politics of knowledge production: towards a reflexive practice”.
Ida Sternberg Holk Title: Characterization of formaldehyde as molecular tracer in protostellar regions Supervisor: Jes Kristian Jørgensen
Islands in the Indian Ocean: Development and Biodiversity In the latest news Associate Professor Stig Jensen, after a visit to the island state delves into the islands of the Indian Ocean focusing on their biodiversity, development, and the impact of colonization today. The…
Linea Stausbøll Hedemark Title: Tau Neutrino Appearance in the IceCube Upgrade Supervisor: David Jason Koskinen
New national project aims to strengthen diversity in research environments For many years, research environments in the fields of technical and natural sciences have been facing the challenge of attracting and retaining female researchers.
Petroula Karakosta Title: Using McStas Union components to simulate a magnet sample environment and predicting background with machine learning Supervisor: Kim Lefmann
Toni Teschke Title: General Relativity from Intersection Theory and Loop Integrals Supervisor: Poul Henrik Damgaard
Computer scientists makes noisy data: Can improve treatments in health care University of Copenhagen researchers have developed software able to disguise sensitive data such as those used for Machine Learning in health care applications. The method protects privacy while making datasets…
Large nitrous oxide emissions from flooded fields suggests action AGRICULTURE Danish agriculture faces challenges in reducing the release of greenhouse gases. New research from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Nature Management (IGN) reveals unexpectedly…
Change of leadership within the reNEW Copenhagen Node On January 8, Professor Kim Jensen has stepped into the position of Node Director of the Copenhagen Node of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine – reNEW in place of Professor Melissa Little.
Doing your field work abroad? Rikke Louise Jensen and Nanna Schødt Hansen were offered the opportunity to do their field work for their MSc thesis in Kenya - an adventure beyond their wildest dreams.
Artificial Intelligence and Privacy: Causes for Concern. Video from the PRIVACY Challenge Seminar with Mateusz Jurewicz. Video from the PRIVACY Challenge Seminar with Mateusz Jurewicz now available.
Alexander Buhl Title: Development and Testing of ASIC Based Readout and Control System for Large Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays Supervisors: Ian Bearden
Jade Omotoyosi Nina Brauns Title: Investigating the dynamics of cusp bifurcations: A conceptual model for glacial-interglacial cycles Supervisor: Peter Ditlevsen
Jesper Larsen Title: Automated Analysis and of Damped Lyman-alpha Systems Found in Spectra of Background Quasars Supervisor: Lise Bech Christensen
Moust Oskar William Holmes Title: Inelasticity reconstruction for IceCube neutrino observatory upgrade Supervisor: David Jason Koskinen
New study pinpoints the weaknesses in AI ChatGPT and other solutions built on Machine Learning are surging. But even the most successful algorithms have limitations. As the first in the world researchers from University of Copenhagen has proven mathematically…
Yannick Elias Heiser Title: The role of grain size on ice properties and deformation Supervisors: Anders Svensson
Breakthrough: Weight loss drug from highly toxic plant can now be produced in yeast A traditional Chinese medicinal plant has huge potential as a weight loss drug. However, due to the plant’s notorious toxicity, no one has yet succeeded in exploiting it effectively. Researchers from the University of…