Innovative drug delivery method for eczema treatments Assistant Professor Stine Rønholt from the LEO Foundation Center for Cutaneous Drug Delivery has received a LEO Foundation Dr Abildgaard Fellowship of DKK 12 mill for the project “Unravelling the potential of ionic…
Premature infants can have cow's milk as a supplement to mothers own milk When infants are born too early, the mother often does not have enough of her own milk. But such infants urgently need the right nourishment. Two novel studies show that cow colostrum can be used as a supplement instead…
New understanding of the body’s cells: Synchronise like pendulum clocks Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered that old grandfather clocks and human cells have a central thing in common: They move in synchronisation. This strengthens the performance of our cells and…
New understanding of the body’s cells: Synchronise like pendulum clocks Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered that old grandfather clocks and human cells have a central thing in common: They move in synchronisation. This strengthens the performance of our cells and…
Deadly virus hides from the body's immune system. Now researchers have solved some of the mystery Every year over 300,000 people die because of the hepatitis C virus. It is estimated that over 50 million people worldwide are infected with the virus, which can cause liver inflammation and in worst case liver cancer.…