COBL’s Sommerskole – vi løfter sløret for programmet Sommerskolen vil byde på en masse lækkerier som kan gøre vores dygtige undervisere på SUND endnu bedre. Et gennemgående fokus for sommerskolen, som vi især vil zoome ind på den første dag, er de studerende. DAG 1 Her…
Engagér, Motivér, Inspirér: Aktiv læring for succesfuld undervisning På workshoppen lærer du hvordan du skaber et trygt læringsmiljø, god kontakt og dialog med dine studerende. Få tips til hvordan du rammesætter din undervisning, afstemmer forventninger med dine studerende og udvikler…
Hvad kan du bruge ChatGPT til som underviser? ChatGPT blev hurtigt populær på globalt plan efter den blev lanceret den 30. november 2022 på grund af dens naturlige sprog og evne til at skrive sammenhængende og meningsfuld tekst, hvilket også har ført til bekymring…
New structure and broadened entry requirements for courses in German and French Registration for the August 2023 courses German and French for students going abroad is now open. The entry requirements have been broadened, and the courses in January will be structured as shorter workshops to account…
COBL Sommerskole for undervisere COBL afholder 3. sommerskole for SUNDs undervisere den 15.-18. August 2023
Professor Anne Holmen co-edits new book on translanguaging The book Translanguaging and Epistemological Decentring in Higher Education and Research is published on 31 January. Professor and centre leader at CIP, Anne Holmen, is co-editor. Purchase the book at 50% off before 31…
Open Access week 2022 This week, October 24 -28 2022, is 'Danish Open Access Week 2022'. The OA Network provides 10 webinars about Open Access - two each day - all cover Open Access in different ways. The webinars are free, and everybody…
New book on Malaria Immunology – including cutting-edge methods and protocols During the last few years, Professor Lars Hviid and Professor Anja Ramstedt Jensen from Centre for Medical Parasitology at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology, UCPH, have spent many, many hours editing this…
This year’s summer language courses in Danish/German/French were extremely popular! In August, CIP organised summer language courses in both Danish for international students and German and French for Danish students going on exchange. Both Danish and international students have been highly satisfied…
Associate professor Slobodanka Dimova is guest editor on special issue of the journal Language Testing The most recent special issue of the journal Language Testing is guest edited by Slobodanka Dimova, associate professor at CIP, and two colleagues. The special issue extends the discussion on local language testing…
How to write a policy brief that matters A workshop for Health researchers at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College in Tanzania in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen on how to write policy briefs that matter.
Whole-body learning can boost children's letter sound recognition - the first step towards reading Children who move while learning sounds of letters significantly improve their ability to recognize individual letter sounds. This is the conclusion of a new study conducted by the University of Copenhagen’s Department…
Online students engage more in lectures than physical attendees New research demonstrates that online lecture attendees at the University of Copenhagen ask significantly more questions during large lectures than students who attend physically. This may be partly due to online…
Inspiration til det gode læringsmiljø på online seminarer Den sociale dimension af læring i online-klasselokalet Hør her! “Face-to-face education isn’t successful because lecturing is good. Lectures are one instructional aspect of an overall ecosystem specifically designed to…
Dancing Across Borders: Perspectives on Dance, Young People and Change The book focuses on how dance can contribute to ’crossing borders’ of very different characters: Between academia and arts practice, between dance and different school subjects, between cultures of different countries a…
Using Your Smartphone in Class Does Not Affect Your Learning A large-scale research project among university students reveals that using your mobile phone in the classroom does not affect your learning negatively
3D breakthrough: Now anyone can print an interactive model of the brain A new method developed by researchers at the University of Copenhagen allows anyone to print interactive 3D objects. These might include models of the brain, to be used as educational tools.
The Art of Dialogue in Coaching. Towards Transformative Exchange In The Art of Dialogue in Coaching, Reinhard Stelter invites readers to engage in transformative and fruitful dialogues in everyday working life, and provides the theory and tools for them to be able to do so.
Nyt kursusforløb får veterinærstuderende på 1. år til at brænde for faget Færre timer og flere studerende på faget Veterinær Zoologi på 1. semester, har fået professor Christian Kapel og lektor Nicolai V. Meyling til at udtænke et nyt kursusforløb. De nye studerende er glade og 96 procent…
Targeted Assessment Rubric: An Empirically Grounded Rubric for Interdisciplinary Writing Article that can be used as input for method development of interdisciplinary education. Mansilla, V.B. et al., 2009. Targeted Assessment Rubric: An Empirically Grounded Rubric for Interdisciplinary Writing. The Journal…
From Surprise Parties to Mapmaking Article focusing on student learning outcomes in interdisciplinary education. Haynes, C. & Leonard, J.B., 2010. From Surprise Parties to Mapmaking: Undergraduate Journeys toward Interdisciplinary Understanding. The…
Teaching Interdisciplinarity Article about teaching interdisciplinarity. Burgett, B. et al., 2011. Teaching Interdisciplinarity. Pedagogy, 11(3), pp.465–491.
The Theory of Interdisciplinarity: An Introduction for Educators Mads Goddiksen, 2017 Peer reviewed paper from the project. When developing interdisciplinary teaching, it helps to have an understanding of what is special about interdisciplinarity. Here I discuss some of the central…