CIP visits Bergen and Bilbao CIP has been to Bergen and Bilbao to participate in and contribute to seminars on language policy at universities.
Sprog løs! Conference at Hotel Marselis Workshop on plurilingual approaches by Line Krogager Andersen.
18 recommendations to strengthen plurilingual education In the final phase of the PE-LAL project, the project group has formulated Recommendations to strengthen plurilingual education in language subjects in primary and lower secondary school and in Almen Sprogforståelse in…
SDU Intercultural Pedagogy: Scientific perspectives on language and cultural encounters Lecture by Line Krogager Andersen.
Copenhagen Roots contribute to Bronze Age novel Bjarne, Anders, Thomas and Birgit helped author Kristian Bang Foss with linguistic input from Bronze Age languages for the novel Manden der bar solen (The man who carried the sun). Read more at the Faculty of Humanities…
eLetter to Science: Archaeolinguistic anachronisms in the Indo-European phylogeny of Heggarty et al. 2023 Reserachers from Roots of Europe have responded to the conclusions of Heggarty et al. 2023 in an eLetter to Science.
Johan Ulrik Nielsen is awarded the Gold Medal for his Prize dissertation 🥇 Indo-Europeanist Johan Ulrik Nielsen finishes his MA with a prize dissertation - and he was awarded the gold medal for it!
New director at CIP As of 1 January 2024, Professor Janus Mortensen takes over the position of centre director at CIP from Anne Holmen, who is retiring at the end of 2023.
Plenary talk at an international symposium at the University of Lleida Petra Daryai-Hansen is invited as plenary speaker at the international Symposium “Issues in English-medium instruction in Higher Education: Global competence, plurilingual competence and disciplinary literacies”,…
Presentation at ICMME4 Petra Daryai-Hansen and Natascha Drachmann holds a paper on the 4th International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education, held 12-13 October 2023 in Valletta, Malta.
Official CULTMIND launch 12 September On Tuesday 12 September, Centre for Culture and the Mind (CULTMIND), the Danish National Research Foundation’s new Centre of Excellence, was officially opened with a festive reception at the Faculty of Humanities.
New Podcast: Language Use at the University of Copenhagen CIPs has just released the podcast "Language Use at KU," and the first episode is about international staff teaching in Danish as a second language at the University of Copenhagen.
European Day of Languages 2023 Petra Daryai-Hansen has been invited to give a presentation on language awareness across languages, subjects, and educational levels at the official celebrations of the European Day of Languages, 26 September 2023,…
Final stakeholder workshop The PE-LAL project held a final stakeholder workshop with the theme ‘Plurilingual education in language subjects in primary and lower secondary school and in Almen Sprogforståelse in upper secondary school’. The aim of…
IE-CoR is published - and Matthew Scarborough was a great part of it The Indo-European Cognate Relations Database is published after several years of hard work. Postdoc Matthew Scarborough was a part of the process.
2.900 år gammel mursten gemte på DNA fra oldtiden I et nyt studie i Scientific Reports viser forskere, at det er muligt at udtrække forhistorisk DNA af en 2.900 år gammel mursten. Den nye analysemetode vil kunne give klimaforskere, biologer og arkæologer et unikt…
Academic event at Rosborg Gymnasium Lecture on general language awareness (Almen sprogforståelse) and plurilingual affordances by Line Krogager Andersen.
Julia Sturm featured in ERC news Postdoc Julia Sturm was features in ERC News article with prof. Michaël Peyrot, Leiden University.
A Copenhagen School in Argumentation Studies The volume Rhetorical Argumentation : The Copenhagen School, edited by Christian Kock and Marcus Lantz, is now available digitally.
New podcast episode with postdoc Johan Farkas This podcast focuses on journalism studies research and is presented by the Nordic open access journal Journalistica.
Matthew Scarborough receives Marie Curie fellowship Matthew Scarborough has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship for the research project PHILGLOSSA: Pre-Hellenic Loanwords in Greek: Lexicon of Substrates Analyzed. The PHILOGLOSSA project…
New grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark Professor Slobodanka Dimova (CIP) is leading a 4-year research project supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The project is titled: "Towards a new model of communicative competence in multilingual higher…