News about Digitization
Viser 25 til 48 af 83 dokumenter.

New center will future-proof education of experts to Danish life science

Virtual Learning Lab at the EARLI 2024 conference

New edited book: The Economic Lives of Platforms - Rethinking the Political Economy of Digital Markets

Emilie Munch Gregersen and Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard facilitated a workshop at UAB

The IT Career Day 2024 - another succesful event

Does your heart beat in sync with others'? DISTRACT at UCPH Spring Festival

Malene Hornstrup Jespersen presents at COMPTEXT 2024

Emilie Munch Gregersen presents EthNote for Anthropology master students at UCPH

New DISTRACT paper: "Who makes open source code? The hybridisation of commercial and open source practices"

DISTRACT Talk next Friday, May 3rd, with Rie Kristensen & Signe Vangkilde

New CPH Tech Policy Brief by DISTRACT researchers

Between coping and resistance: Migrant networks and alternative forms of collectivism

Attending in the Attention Economy - DISTRACT Talk with Jelle Bruineberg

DISTRACT Talk this Friday, March 1st, with Jelle Bruineberg

DISTRACT research note: "Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online"

Deon Digital's SFI system can revolutionise securities trading

DISTRACT article: "How app companies use GitHub: on modes of valuation in the digital attention economy"

DISTRACT PhDs present at SODAS PhD Days

Unumed lends doctors a helping hand

New article: "New methodologies for the digital age? How methods (re-)organize research using social media data"

DCR Solutions makes legal texts easy to understand with artificial intelligence