News about Cancer
Viser 25 til 48 af 75 dokumenter.

Germs can offset the effect of cancer therapy

Key Role of Epigenetic Information in Stem Cell Function unveiled

Medication in lower doses can save the healthcare system billions of DKK

Denmark funds BRIC cancer research projects

We can save lives and millions with less nitrate in drinking water

Mapping the evolution of the human genome – A Portrait of New Group Leader Fran Supek

Turning the Right Cell-Switch to unlock the Cure for Cancer

Oldest known molecule surprises researchers. It could lead to new important treatments

Oldest known molecule surprises researchers. It could lead to new important treatments

Akila Ravikumar

Mysterious hormone makes insulin work better

New understanding of the body’s cells: Synchronise like pendulum clocks

New understanding of the body’s cells: Synchronise like pendulum clocks

Stefanie Harsch: Improving cancer literacy in Kenya

Ann Skafte

Hidden mechanism connects cancer and diabetes

Group leaders Jesper B. Andersen and Claus S. Sørensen appointed professors

Hidden mechanism connects cancer and diabetes

BRIC/Finsen spinout Adcendo Aps moves forward towards clinical trials

‘DNA replication in a tube’ provides new insights into chromatin assembly

Bartender model predicts how drugs affect each person

Bartender model predicts how drugs affect each person