Copenhagen Conversations – On Time Talk on 'time' with Joel Robbins, Cambridge, and Francois Hartog, EHESS, Paris.
أزياء السودان، البداية والتكوين العام الاولى مشروع أزياء السودان – علم آثار الملبس على طول نهر النيل الأوسط يصل الآن نهاية عامه الأول.
The making of Fashioning Sudan The project Fashioning Sudan – archaeology of dress along the Middle Nile is now reaching the very end of its first year.
Eva Andersson Strand appointed Professor of Archaeology Eva Andersson Strand, director of the Centre for Textile Research, can now, as of 1 October, officially hold the title of Professor of archaeology.
ITSS Postdoctoral Fellow to Give Keynote Speech at Reuvensdagen 2023 Felicia Fricke will be giving this year's keynote speech at the national archaeology conference in the Netherlands on Thursday 16th November.
New funding for Save the Loom project The Danish Loom from the 17th to 20th century – how can it be described, documented and preserved?
New honorary doctors change our view of the past At the university's traditional annual celebration, Årsfesten, in November, the new honorary doctors at UCPH are appointed. This year, the Faculty of Humanities is appointing two of the 11 new honorary doctors.
2.900 år gammel mursten gemte på DNA fra oldtiden I et nyt studie i Scientific Reports viser forskere, at det er muligt at udtrække forhistorisk DNA af en 2.900 år gammel mursten. Den nye analysemetode vil kunne give klimaforskere, biologer og arkæologer et unikt…
Modern humans arrived in Southeast Asia 40,000 years earlier than we thought An international research team jointly lead by Globe Institute show one of the earliest modern humans migrations out of Africa.
Launch of the UCPH School of Archaeology The UCPH School of Archaeology is a collaboration across three faculties to build bridges between the archaeological disciplines at the University of Copenhagen. On 9 May, the school was officially launched with speeche…
Launch of the UCPH School of Archaeology The UCPH School of Archaeology is a collaboration across three faculties to build bridges between the archaeological disciplines at the University of Copenhagen. On 9 May, the school was officially launched with speeche…
New book: The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited New book edited by Kristian Kristiansen, Guus Kroonen and Eske Willerslev.
Årringe og grundstof viser forskere vej til 400 år gammelt tømmers oprindelsessted Grundstoffet strontium kan sammen med årringsanalyser vise, hvor træ, som blev brugt til at bygge huse i Danmark for 400 år siden, stammer fra. Det demonstrerer to forskere fra Københavns Universitet i et nyt studie, de…
ITSS Postdoc Assists Grenada National Museum At the beginning of March 2023, ITSS Postdoctoral Fellow Felicia Fricke helped the GNM with the curation and analysis of human remains.
New Publication: Archaeology and Social Justice in Island Worlds ITSS Postdoc Felicia Fricke has just published an opinion piece with colleague Rachel Hoerman (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa).
Tree rings and strontium point researchers to the provenance of 400-year-old timber Isotopes of the chemical element strontium, along with tree-ring analysis, point researchers to the origins of timber used to build houses in Denmark 400 years ago, shows a University of Copenhagen study published in th…
UCPH School of Archaeology kick-off retreat On 28 November 2023 a total of 50 archaeologists from the Humanities, Theology, Health and Medical Sciences at UCPH headed to Comwell Borupgaard in Snekkersten for a two-day retreat.
Textile and Clothing It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this volume on ‘Textile and Clothing’ – the first in a new series of books produced by UNESCO that focuses on the peoples, cultures and histories of the Silk Roads. It is entirel…
DNA in Viking poop sheds new light on 55,000-year-old relationship between gut companions Using stool samples from Viking latrines, researchers at the University of Copenhagen have genetically mapped one of the oldest human parasites – the whipworm. The mapping reflects the parasite’s global spread and its…
IN THE SAME SEA Postdoc Presents New Code of Ethics at IACA-AIAC 2022 The Code was ratified in July by the Membership of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology.