Price increases for internal users in 2025 The Department of Experimental Medicine (AEM) is the University of Copenhagen’s facility for experimental animals. AEM is responsible for the housing and breeding of experimental animals, and the department offers…
Does “Dr. Google” improve discussion and decisions in small animal practice? Based on an online questionnaire aimed at dog and cat owners in Austria, Denmark and the United Kingdom (N = 2117) this paper investigated the use of internet resources to find veterinary medical information.
Visit to ANSES, Ploufragan During the week of June 17-21, 2024, Carsten Kirkeby visited Mathieu Andraud and colleagues at ANSES, Ploufragan
A significant milestone has been achieved Hazim Sajiri (RASOPTA ESR) has achieved a significant milestone by publishing part of his PhD research in the reputable journal Scientific Reports.
Ethicists’ commentary on deciding whether to proceed with spaying an unexpectedly pregnant animal from a “no-kill” shelter Ethical question of the month, March 2024 You provide veterinary services to a “no-kill” small animal shelter. A mature female bulldog crossbreed dog is presented for a spay procedure. The history supplied is that the…
Annual AIV field trip went to Amager Fælled In May 2024, the AIV epidemiology group went to Amager Fælled.
New project on calf diarrhea Rikke H. Olsen has been granted 837.000 dkr. for the Danish milk levy fond to investigate which types of Escherichia coli are associated with diarrhea in Danish calves in 2024.
Charles River & The Jackson Laboratory Seminar Series Date: May 13, 2024, 13.15-17.00 Location: Victor Haderup Auditorium, University og Copenhagen, Panum, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N The full programme is available here. Registration required.
Newsletter #1 2024 Please read the whole newsletter here. Renovation of SPF 10.4 – all breeding mice have been relocated to SPF 10.2 Introduction to policies Policy for survival surgery Policy for single housing of animals Expired…
Ethicists’ commentary on confronting misinformation in the animal-care community Ethical question of the month, February 2024 While discussing vaccine protocols with the owner of a new puppy, you learn that the owner and head trainer at a local dog education center has also been discussing vaccines…
Iconic savanna mammals face genetic problems due to fences and roads Wildebeest migrations have become a rarer sight in Africa as humans continue to interrupt their historic migratory routes with roads, fences, cities, livestock and farmland. This has led to genetic decay in those herds…
A new family tree revises our understanding of bird evolution A team of researchers from the Bird 10,000 Genomes (B10K) consortium has reported a new bird family tree that promises to reshape our understanding of avian evolution. Published in Nature on April 1st, 2024, the study…
Mediterranean marine worm has developed eyes “as big as millstones" Scientists are amazed at the discovery of a bristle worm with such sharp-seeing eyes that they can measure up to those of mammals and octopuses. The researchers from University of Copenhagen and Lund University suspect…
PhD-student wins poster price at the SVEPM 2024 Conference At the annual European conference in Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, SVEPM, PhD-student Helene Ane Jensen won the poster price.
Ethicists’ commentary navigating client requests to engage in “harmless” fraud or rule-bending Ethical question of the month, January 2024 Your clients compete at international horse shows that have strict biosecurity rules. These competitions require preventative vaccinations that are recorded in passports with…
Avian Influenza Group participated in the SVEPM 2024 Conference The avian influenza epidemiology research influenza group participated in the annual SVEPM conference in 2024 with 5 contributions. Yangfan Liu showcased her work on a mathematical model for the spread of avian influenz…
Cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark This questionnaire study investigate cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care, and the factors that might influence those views.
Researcher: Seven billion newly hatched chicks are killed every year – but a ban is not the solution Annually, the global egg industry kills seven billion day-old male chicks because they don’t lay eggs and aren’t worth raising for meat. While several countries have banned the practice, neither bans nor other current…
Explore the Insects With New App The Bugdex app is the ultimate beginners guide to insects for any student, biologist and nature lover.
EU-project PREPARE4VBD held Annual meeting in Kenya The PREPARE4VBD Project held their 3rd Annual Consortium meeting and summer-school in Kenya.
Gene flow in giraffes and what it means for their conservation Giraffes, with their bizarre body plan, have always held a special place in the minds of evolutionary biologists and non-experts alike. In a new study, led by a team of researchers from the University of Copenhagen,…
Taconic Colony Management Solutions This could be a possibility if expansion of a breeding strain is necessary for your research during the refurbishment of AEM's SPF breeding facility, and AEM cannot find space for it. We hope to be able to welcome you…
Transnetyx genotyping services One of the possibilities is to use an external service, like TransnetYX, and establish a Tag Center where ear punches can be collected and sent from. At this meeting information on this approach will be presented and…
Ethicists’ commentary on considerations when judging whether to formally report a colleague’s potential misconduct Ethical question of the month, December 2023 A veterinarian in our area has developed a reputation for significant errors that individually might be forgiven, but as they multiply, start to form a pattern. The range…