Christine Wei Andersson Title: Analysis of speckle patterns in coherent small angle X-ray scattering performed at the European XFEL Supervisor: Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
Jonas Lauritsen Title: Quantum teleportation between oscillators interacting with light in cascades Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Emil Zeuthen, Prof. Eugene S. Polzik
Christos Drakos Title: Investigating the polymorphic structure of Cocoa Butter Supervisor: Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
Lukas Zeppelin Title: Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of Thymol and para-Cymene as Potential Neutron Moderating Materials Supervisor: Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
Aliki Gerakianaki Title: Mechanisms Behind Induced Polarization Effects in Water and Brines Confined in Oriented Clay Mineral Films Supervisor: Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
Jonathan Guldberg Elsborg Title: Towards Continuous NICE-OHMS Supervisors: Jörg Helge Müller, Asbjørn Arvad Jørgensen
More knowledge on the complexity of ice sheets will improve calculations of future sea-level rises The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded nearly DKK 42 million to Professor Christine Schøtt Hvidberg for developing models for calculating how the ice sheets will contribute to future sea-level rises.
Jorge Expósito Patiño Title: Numerical Relativity in Axisymmetry Supervisors:Thomas Baumgarte, Vitor Cardoso and Troels Haugbølle
Stavros Athanasiou Title: Modelling of Thouless pumping in one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays Supervisor: Michele Burrello
Christian Folkersen Bærentsen Generation of non-classical states in a hybrid spin-optomechanical system Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eugene S. Polzik
Frederik Sebastian Kehn Rømer Title: Probing the nuclear structure in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision with standardized cumulants of mean transverse momentum fluctuations Supervisor: You Zhou
Marco-Merusi The Mastcam-Z Radiometric Calibration Targets on NASA's Perseverance Rover: Derived Irradiance Time-Series, Dust Deposition, and Performance Over the First 670 Sols on Mars Supervisors: Prof. Morten Bo Madsen and Dr.…
Alfred Bendtzon Hansen Title: Multistability and tipping points in very high-dimensional systems and implications for abrupt climate change Supervisors: Peter Ditlevsen and Johannes Lohmann
Alicja Barbara Kalucka Title: Reservoir computer-based detection of AMOC tipping Supervisors: Peter Ditlevsen, Henk Dijkstra
Alicja Kalucka Title: Reservoir computer-based detection of AMOC tipping Supervisors: Peter Ditlevsen and Henk Dijkstra
Emil Jermiin Pedersen Frost Title: Interacting multiterminal Josephson junctions -- a study of the superconducting impurity Anderson model
Professor: We must revive and relive Niels Bohr's joy of science Niels Bohr would have had difficulty settling into the much more fragmented approach to science we have today, says Hans Halvorson.
Rasmus Ranum Hansen Title: Solving the turbulence closure problem II: Determining the deep ocean stratification Supervisor: Markus Jochum
Niels Vestergaard Title: A Study of Top Effective Field Theory at a Future e+e- Collider Supervisor: Jørgen Beck Hansen