News about Physics
Viser 289 til 312 af 1373 dokumenter.

Christine Wei Andersson

Jonas Lauritsen

Christos Drakos

Lukas Zeppelin

Aliki Gerakianaki

Jonathan Guldberg Elsborg

More knowledge on the complexity of ice sheets will improve calculations of future sea-level rises

Jorge Expósito Patiño

Christian Folkersen Bærentsen

Frederik Sebastian Kehn Rømer


Alfred Bendtzon Hansen

Alicja Barbara Kalucka

Alicja Kalucka

Professor: We must revive and relive Niels Bohr's joy of science

Rasmus Ranum Hansen

Asbjørn Sørensen Bols

Niels Vestergaard

Shengtang Yi

Promising building blocks for photonic quantum simulators

Gillian Keiko Lin Drake

James Webb’s “too massive” galaxies may be even more massive