News about Society
Viser 265 til 288 af 1269 dokumenter.

Interview: Burkina Faso's health crisis has major implications for the rest of the world

Alessandro Moretti’s work is highlighted at the yearly conference held by the Danish Centre against Human Trafficking

Asylum strengthens women's position in the family and society

From dairy proteins to plant-based sidestreams

New Visiting Reseacher at MOBILE - Ezgi Yildiz

New Group for Research in Punishment (GRIP)

People without an inner voice have poorer verbal memory

Deregulation Of Environmental Law and Rising Authoritarianism in India

The Sustainability of the Environmental Product Trade: Joining Ecology and Economics in the Nepali Himalayas

New Visiting Researcher at iCourts - CHEN Mohan

New visitor at CECS - Karl Riesenhuber

Climate crisis: New project explores how flexible our eating habits are

Economist to investigate leaders' influence on rising inequality

New Visiting Reseacher at MOBILE - Florian Hoffmann

New Visiting Researcher at iCourts - Amanda Bills

Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen moderates government´s international migration conference

Reshaping Welfare in the Digital Age

Trine Mygind Korsby is one of the two keynote speakers at the yearly conference of the Danish Centre against Human Trafficking

At last a Directive protecting platform work – Now what?

Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen on Podcast: Discussing EU's New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Helene Willadsen presents at Trygfonden seminar at Aarhus University